Oppgave 574821: Hvit å vinn
Oppgave 574821: Hvit å vinn
J. Sosa Harrison (2285) - Jo Cubas (2369)
1st It Asuncion PAR (8), 2002.04.16 J. Sosa Harrison (2285) - Jo Cubas (2369)
1st It Asuncion PAR (8), 2002.04.16
1st It Asuncion PAR (8), 2002.04.16 J. Sosa Harrison (2285) - Jo Cubas (2369)
1st It Asuncion PAR (8), 2002.04.16
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Hovedmotivet i denne oppgaven er Attacking pinned piece.
Attacking a pinned piece can often win material, because the movement of the pinned piece is restricted.
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