Oppgave 3041: Sort å gjennvinne matriale
Oppgave 3041: Sort å gjennvinne matriale
GM M. Gagunashvili (2569) - GM Daniil Dubov (2644)
17th ch-EUR Indiv 2016 Gjakova KOS, 2016.05.19 GM M. Gagunashvili (2569) - GM Daniil Dubov (2644)
17th ch-EUR Indiv 2016 Gjakova KOS, 2016.05.19
17th ch-EUR Indiv 2016 Gjakova KOS, 2016.05.19 GM M. Gagunashvili (2569) - GM Daniil Dubov (2644)
17th ch-EUR Indiv 2016 Gjakova KOS, 2016.05.19
This is a Chess 960 position. Click your king to see which rooks can castle. Drop the king on the rook to castle.
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Hovedmotivet i denne oppgaven er Decoy into fork.
A decoy is a sacrifice that lures an opponent's piece to a square where it can be attacked in a subsequent tactic.
A fork is a move where one piece attacks two or more pieces at the same time.
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