Puzzle 841185: Negrul recâștigă material
GM Shamsiddin Vokhidov (2579) - GM Tan Zhongyi (2518)
Titled Tue 20th Dec Early chess.com INT (6), 2022.12.20
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tue 20th Dec Early chess.com INT (6), 2022.12.20
- 1.e4
- c5
- 2.Cf3
- d6
- 3.Nb5+
- Nd7
- 4.Nxd7+
- Dxd7
- 5.c4
- e5
- 6.Cc3
- Cc6
- 7.d3
- Ne7
- 8.a3
- Nd8
- 9.b4
- Cge7
- 10.O-O
- O-O
- 11.bxc5
- dxc5
- 12.Cd5
- f5
- 13.Nb2
- Cg6
- 14.Te1
- Nc7
- 15.exf5
- Txf5
- 16.Te3
- Taf8
- 17.Dd2
- h6
- 18.Tae1
- Rh7
- 19.Nc3
- b6
- 20.Db2
- Cd4
- 21.Nxd4
- exd4
- 22.Te4
- Nd6
- 23.De2
- Df7
- 24.Te6
- Cf4
- 25.Cxf4
- Nxf4
- 26.De4
- Rg8
- 27.Ch4
- Nxh2+
- 28.Rxh2
- Soluţie:28.Rxh2
- Tf4 Turnul negru atacă dublu Calul albului și regină.
- 29.De2
- Txh4+
- 28...Tf4
- 29.De2
- Txh4+
- 30.Rg1
- Tf4
- 31.f3
- Th4
- 32.De5
- Th5
- 33.Dd6
- Tg5
- 34.Tf1
- Df5
- 35.Te4
- Dh3
- 36.Tg4
- Txg4
- 37.Dxf8+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: