Puzzle 406468: Negrul dă mat
Puzzle 406468: Negrul dă mat
WGM Olga Babiy (2283) - FM Rafael Ventura Dos Santos (2203)
Titled Tuesday 5th Oct chess.com INT (2), 2021.10.05 WGM Olga Babiy (2283) - FM Rafael Ventura Dos Santos (2203)
Titled Tuesday 5th Oct chess.com INT (2), 2021.10.05
Titled Tuesday 5th Oct chess.com INT (2), 2021.10.05 WGM Olga Babiy (2283) - FM Rafael Ventura Dos Santos (2203)
Titled Tuesday 5th Oct chess.com INT (2), 2021.10.05
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Motivul principal al acestui puzzle: David and Goliath mate
In David and Goliath mate, the pawn (David) checkmates the king (Goliath).
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