Oppgave 963831: Hvit å vinn

Gaston Filippo - Stefan Arnalds (1876)
Reykjavik Open 2024 Reykjavik ISL, 2024.03.20
  1. 1.e4
  2. c5
  3. 2.Sf3
  4. e6
  5. 3.d4
  6. cxd4
  7. 4.Sxd4
  8. Sf6
  9. 5.Sc3
  10. Sc6
  11. 6.a3
  12. d6
  13. 7.g4
  14. e5
  15. 8.Sf5
  16. Lxf5
  17. 9.gxf5
  18. Dd7
  19. 10.Lg5
  20. Le7
  21. 11.Lxf6
  22. Lxf6
  23. 12.Sd5
  24. Lg5
  25. 13.h4
  26. Le7
  27. 14.Lh3
  28. f6
  29. 15.Dh5+
  30. Kd8
  31. 16.Tg1
  32. Lf8
  33. 17.Tg6
  34. Se7
  35. 18.Txf6
  36. gxf6
  37. 19.Sxf6
  38. Dc6
  39. 20.O-O-O
  40. Kc7
  41. 21.Sd5+
  42. Sxd5
  43. 22.exd5
  44. Dd7
  45. 23.Td3
  46. Td8
  47. 24.f6
  48. De8
  49. 25.Df5
  50. Kb8
  51. 26.Tc3
  52. Lh6+
  53. 27.Kb1
  54. Df7
  55. 28.De6
  56. Thf8
  57. 29.De7
  58. Dxf6
    1. Løsning:29...Dxf6
    2. 30.Dc7+ Den hvite dronningen angriper Svarts konge, hvilken forsvarer ruten c8.
    3. Ka8
    4. 31.Lc8 Matingnett
    5. Txc8
      1. 31...b6
      2. 32.Lb7#
    6. 32.Dxc8+
    7. Txc8
    8. 33.Txc8# Bakre-rads sjakkmatt
  59. 30.Dc7+
  60. Ka8
  61. 31.Le6
  62. Dxf2
  63. 32.Tb3
  64. Df1+
  65. 33.Ka2
  66. Da6
  67. 34.Lf5
  68. Lf4
  69. 35.Ld3
  70. Db6
  71. 36.Txb6
  72. axb6
  73. 37.Dxb6
  74. h6
  75. 38.h5
  76. Lg5
  77. 39.a4
  78. Tf7
  79. 40.a5
  80. Tdd7
  81. 41.b4
  82. Ld8
  83. 42.Db5
  84. Tg7
  85. 43.a6
  86. bxa6
  87. 44.Dc6+
  88. Kb8
  89. 45.Lxa6
  90. e4
  91. 46.b5
  92. Ka7
  93. 47.Lc8
  94. Tc7
  95. 48.b6+
  96. Kb8
  97. 49.bxc7+
  98. Txc7
  99. 50.Dxd6
  100. Kxc8
  101. 51.De6+
  102. Kb8
  103. 52.Dxe4
  104. Lf6
  105. 53.Db4+
  106. Ka7
  107. 54.Da5+
  108. Kb7
  109. 55.c4
  110. Ld4
  111. 56.Db5+
  112. Ka8
  113. 57.De8+
  114. Kb7
  115. 58.d6
  116. Txc4
  117. 59.Df7+

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Backrank mate (4 moves)
  • Mating net (4 moves)
  • Checkmate (4 moves)
  • Attack defender of mate (4 moves)
ChessPuzzle.net version 3
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