Oppgave 939807: Sort å vinne sluttspillet

CM Thomas Mollema (2234) - IM Rahman Mohammad Fahad (2319)
Titled Tuesday 14th July chess.com INT (2), 2020.07.14
  1. 1.e4
  2. e5
  3. 2.Sf3
  4. Sc6
  5. 3.Sc3
  6. Sf6
  7. 4.d4
  8. exd4
  9. 5.Sxd4
  10. Lb4
  11. 6.Sxc6
  12. bxc6
  13. 7.Ld3
  14. O-O
  15. 8.O-O
  16. Te8
  17. 9.Lg5
  18. h6
  19. 10.Lh4
  20. g5
  21. 11.Lg3
  22. Lxc3
  23. 12.bxc3
  24. Sxe4
  25. 13.Dh5
  26. Df6
  27. 14.f4
  28. Dg7
  29. 15.Tae1
  30. d5
  31. 16.f5
  32. Df6
  33. 17.Lxc7
  34. Ld7
  35. 18.c4
  36. Tac8
  37. 19.La5
  38. Dd4+
  39. 20.Kh1
  40. Sf2+
  41. 21.Txf2
  42. Dxf2
  43. 22.Tf1
  44. Dh4
  45. 23.Dxh4
  46. gxh4
  47. 24.cxd5
  48. cxd5
  49. 25.f6
  50. h3
  51. 26.gxh3
  52. d4
  53. 27.Tg1+
  54. Kh8
  55. 28.Tg7
  56. Lc6+
  57. 29.Kg1
  58. Tg8
  59. 30.Txg8+
  60. Txg8+
  61. 31.Kf1
  62. Lg2+
  63. 32.Kf2
  64. Lxh3
  65. 33.Le4
  66. Le6
  67. 34.Ld2
  68. Lxa2
  69. 35.Lxh6
  70. Tg4
  71. 36.Lf3
  72. Tg6
  73. 37.Lg7+
  74. Kg8
  75. 38.h4
  76. Txg7
  77. 39.fxg7
  78. Kxg7
  79. 40.Ke2
  80. Lc4+
  81. 41.Kd2
  82. a5
  83. 42.c3
  84. d3
  85. 43.Le4
  86. a4
  87. 44.Lxd3
  88. Lxd3
  89. 45.Kxd3
  90. a3
  91. 46.Kc2
  92. a2
  93. 47.Kb2
  94. f5
  95. 48.c4
  96. f4
  97. 49.c5
  98. f3
  99. 50.c6
  100. a1=Q+
  101. 51.Kxa1
    1. Løsning:51.Kxa1
    2. f2
    3. 52.Kb2
      1. 52.c7
      2. f1=Q+
      3. 53.Kb2 with a winning endgame, for example:
      4. Dc4
      5. 54.h5
      6. Dxc7
      1. 52.Ka2
      2. f1=Q
      3. 53.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
      4. Kf6
      5. 54.c7
      6. Dc4
      7. 55.h5
      8. Dxc7
    4. 52...f1=Q
      1. 52...f1=R
      2. 53.c7
        1. 53.Kc2 with a winning endgame, for example:
        2. Tf7
        3. 54.h5
        4. Tc7
        5. 55.h6+
        6. Kxh6
        7. 56.Kd1
        8. Txc6
        1. 53.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
        2. Tf6
        3. 54.c7
        4. Tc6
        5. 55.Kb3
        6. Txc7
        7. 56.Kb4
        8. Kh6
        9. 57.Kb5
        10. Kxh5
        1. 53.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
        2. Tc1
        3. 54.h5
        4. Txc6
        5. 55.Kb4
        6. Kh6
        7. 56.Kb5
        8. Tc8
        9. 57.Kb6
        10. Kxh5
      3. 53...Tf8
        1. 53...Tf2+
        2. 54.Kb3
          1. 54.Ka1
          2. Tc2
          3. 55.c8=Q
          4. Txc8
          5. 56.Kb2 with a winning endgame, for example:
          6. Kf6
          7. 57.Kb3
          8. Kg6
          9. 58.Kb4
          10. Kh5
          11. 59.Kb5
          12. Kxh4
          1. 54.Ka3
          2. Tc2
          3. 55.c8=Q
          4. Txc8
          5. 56.Kb4 with a winning endgame, for example:
          6. Kg6
          7. 57.Kb5
          8. Kh5
          9. 58.Kb6
          10. Kxh4
          1. 54.Kb1
          2. Tf8
          3. 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
          4. Tc8
          5. 56.Kc1
          6. Txc7+
          7. 57.Kd2
          8. Kh6
          9. 58.Kd3
          10. Kxh5
          1. 54.Kc1
          2. Tf8
          3. 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
          4. Tc8
          5. 56.Kd1
          6. Txc7
          7. 57.Kd2
          8. Kh6
          9. 58.Kd3
          10. Kxh5
          1. 54.Kc3
          2. Tf8
          3. 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
          4. Tc8
          5. 56.h6+
          6. Kxh6
          7. 57.Kd4
          8. Txc7
        3. 54...Tf8
        4. 55.Kb4
          1. 55.Kc4
          2. Tc8
          3. 56.Kd5
          4. Txc7
          5. 57.Kd6 with a winning endgame, for example:
          6. Tc2
          7. 58.h5
          8. Kh6
          9. 59.Ke5
          10. Kxh5
          1. 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
          2. Tc8
          3. 56.h6+
          4. Kxh6
          5. 57.Kc4
          6. Txc7+
          1. 55.Ka4 with a winning endgame, for example:
          2. Tc8
          3. 56.Ka5
          4. Txc7
          5. 57.Kb6
          6. Tc4
          7. 58.h5
          8. Kh6
          9. 59.Kb5
          10. Tc8
          11. 60.Kb6
          12. Kxh5
        5. 55...Tc8
          1. 55...Kf6
          2. 56.Kc5
            1. 56.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
            2. Ke6
            3. 57.Kc6
            4. Th8
            5. 58.h5
            6. Ke7
            7. 59.h6
            8. Tc8
            9. 60.h7
            10. Th8
            11. 61.c8=Q
            12. Txc8+
            13. 62.Kd5
            14. Td8+
            15. 63.Ke4
            16. Kf7
            17. 64.Kf4
            18. Th8
            19. 65.Kf5
            20. Txh7
            1. 56.Ka5 with a winning endgame, for example:
            2. Ke7
            3. 57.h5
            4. Kd6
            5. 58.h6
            6. Kxc7
            7. 59.h7
            8. Th8
            9. 60.Kb5
            10. Txh7
          3. 56...Ke6
            1. 56...Ke5
            2. 57.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
              1. 57.Kc6
              2. Ke6
              3. 58.Kb7
              4. Kd7
              1. 57.Kb6
              2. Kd6
              3. 58.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
              4. Kxc7
              5. 59.Kc4
              6. Tf5
              7. 60.Kd4
              8. Th5
              9. 61.Kd3
              10. Txh4
            3. 57...Ke6
            4. 58.Kc6
            5. Th8
            6. 59.h6
            7. Tc8
            8. 60.h7
            9. Th8
            10. 61.Kb7
            11. Kd7
            12. 62.Kb6
            13. Txh7
            14. 63.Kb7
            15. Th8
            16. 64.Kb6
            17. Th5
            18. 65.Kb7
            19. Tb5+
            20. 66.Ka6
            21. Tb1
            22. 67.c8=Q+
            23. Kxc8
            1. 56...Ke7
            2. 57.Kc6 with a winning endgame, for example:
              1. 57.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
              2. Kd7
              3. 58.h6
              4. Kxc7
              5. 59.h7
              6. Th8
              7. 60.Kd5
              8. Txh7
              1. 57.Kb6 with a winning endgame, for example:
              2. Kd6
              3. 58.Kb5
              4. Kxc7
              5. 59.Kc4
              6. Tf5
              7. 60.Kd4
              8. Th5
              9. 61.Kd3
              10. Txh4
            3. 57...Th8
            4. 58.h5
            5. Ke6
            6. 59.h6
            7. Tc8
            8. 60.h7
            9. Th8
            10. 61.Kb7
            11. Kd7
            12. 62.Kb6
            13. Txh7
            14. 63.Kb7
            15. Th8
            16. 64.Kb6
            17. Th5
            18. 65.Kb7
            19. Tb5+
            20. 66.Ka6
            21. Tb1
            22. 67.c8=Q+
            23. Kxc8
          4. 57.Kc6 with a winning endgame, for example:
            1. 57.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
            2. Kd7
            3. 58.h6
            4. Kxc7
            5. 59.h7
            6. Th8
            7. 60.Kd5
            8. Txh7
            1. 57.Kb6 with a winning endgame, for example:
            2. Kd6
            3. 58.Kb5
            4. Kxc7
            5. 59.Kc4
            6. Tf5
            7. 60.Kd4
            8. Th5
            9. 61.Kd3
            10. Txh4
          5. 57...Th8
          6. 58.h5
          7. Ke7
          8. 59.h6
          9. Tc8
          10. 60.h7
          11. Th8
          12. 61.c8=Q
          13. Txc8+
          14. 62.Kd5
          15. Td8+
          16. 63.Ke4
          17. Kf7
          18. 64.Kf4
          19. Th8
          20. 65.Kf5
          21. Txh7
          1. 55...Kf7
          2. 56.Kc5
            1. 56.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
            2. Ke6
            3. 57.Kc6
            4. Th8
            5. 58.h5
            6. Ke7
            7. 59.h6
            8. Tc8
            9. 60.h7
            10. Th8
            11. 61.c8=Q
            12. Txc8+
            13. 62.Kd5
            14. Td8+
            15. 63.Ke4
            16. Kf7
            17. 64.Kf4
            18. Th8
            19. 65.Kf5
            20. Txh7
            1. 56.Ka5 with a winning endgame, for example:
            2. Ke7
            3. 57.h5
            4. Kd6
            5. 58.h6
            6. Kxc7
            7. 59.h7
            8. Th8
            9. 60.Kb5
            10. Txh7
        6. 56.Kc5
          1. 56.Ka5
          2. Txc7
          3. 57.Kb6 with a winning endgame, for example:
          4. Tc4
          5. 58.h5
          6. Kh6
          7. 59.Kb5
          8. Tc8
          9. 60.Kb6
          10. Kxh5
          1. 56.h5
          2. Txc7
          3. 57.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
          4. Kh6
          5. 58.Kb6
          6. Tc1
          7. 59.Kb7
          8. Kxh5
        7. 56...Txc7+
        8. 57.Kd5 with a winning endgame, for example:
          1. 57.Kd4 with a winning endgame, for example:
          2. Kf6
          3. 58.h5
          4. Kg5
          5. 59.Ke4
          6. Kxh5
          1. 57.Kd6 with a winning endgame, for example:
          2. Tc2
          3. 58.h5
          4. Kh6
          5. 59.Ke5
          6. Kxh5
        9. 57...Kf6
        10. 58.h5
        11. Kf5
        12. 59.h6
        13. Th7
        14. 60.Kc6
        15. Txh6+
      4. 54.Kb1 with a winning endgame, for example:
        1. 54.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
        2. Tc8
        3. 55.Kc1
        4. Txc7+
        5. 56.Kd2
        6. Kh6
        7. 57.Kd3
        8. Kxh5
        1. 54.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
        2. Tc8
        3. 55.h5
        4. Txc7
        5. 56.Kb4
        6. Kh6
        7. 57.Kb5
        8. Kxh5
      5. 54...Tc8
      6. 55.Kc2
      7. Txc7+
      8. 56.Kd3
      9. Kf6
      10. 57.Ke4
      11. Tc4+
      12. 58.Kd3
      13. Txh4
    5. 53.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
      1. 53.Kc3 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Df3+
      3. 54.Kc2
      4. Dxc6+
      1. 53.c7 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Dc4
      3. 54.h5
      4. Dxc7
    6. 53...Kf6
    7. 54.c7
    8. Dc4
    9. 55.h5
    10. Dxc7
  102. 51...f2
  103. 52.c7
  104. f1=Q+
  105. 53.Kb2
  106. Dc4
  107. 54.h5
  108. Dxc7
  109. 55.h6+
  110. Kxh6
  111. 56.Kb3
  112. Kg5
  113. 57.Kb4
  114. Dc6
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