Oppgave 939807: Sort å vinne sluttspillet
CM Thomas Mollema (2234) - IM Rahman Mohammad Fahad (2319)
Titled Tuesday 14th July chess.com INT (2), 2020.07.14
Titled Tuesday 14th July chess.com INT (2), 2020.07.14
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Sf3
- Sc6
- 3.Sc3
- Sf6
- 4.d4
- exd4
- 5.Sxd4
- Lb4
- 6.Sxc6
- bxc6
- 7.Ld3
- O-O
- 8.O-O
- Te8
- 9.Lg5
- h6
- 10.Lh4
- g5
- 11.Lg3
- Lxc3
- 12.bxc3
- Sxe4
- 13.Dh5
- Df6
- 14.f4
- Dg7
- 15.Tae1
- d5
- 16.f5
- Df6
- 17.Lxc7
- Ld7
- 18.c4
- Tac8
- 19.La5
- Dd4+
- 20.Kh1
- Sf2+
- 21.Txf2
- Dxf2
- 22.Tf1
- Dh4
- 23.Dxh4
- gxh4
- 24.cxd5
- cxd5
- 25.f6
- h3
- 26.gxh3
- d4
- 27.Tg1+
- Kh8
- 28.Tg7
- Lc6+
- 29.Kg1
- Tg8
- 30.Txg8+
- Txg8+
- 31.Kf1
- Lg2+
- 32.Kf2
- Lxh3
- 33.Le4
- Le6
- 34.Ld2
- Lxa2
- 35.Lxh6
- Tg4
- 36.Lf3
- Tg6
- 37.Lg7+
- Kg8
- 38.h4
- Txg7
- 39.fxg7
- Kxg7
- 40.Ke2
- Lc4+
- 41.Kd2
- a5
- 42.c3
- d3
- 43.Le4
- a4
- 44.Lxd3
- Lxd3
- 45.Kxd3
- a3
- 46.Kc2
- a2
- 47.Kb2
- f5
- 48.c4
- f4
- 49.c5
- f3
- 50.c6
- a1=Q+
- 51.Kxa1
- Løsning:51.Kxa1
- f2
- 52.Kb2
- 52.c7
- f1=Q+
- 53.Kb2 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Dc4
- 54.h5
- Dxc7
- 52.Ka2
- f1=Q
- 53.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kf6
- 54.c7
- Dc4
- 55.h5
- Dxc7
- 52...f1=Q
- 52...f1=R
- 53.c7
- 53.Kc2 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tf7
- 54.h5
- Tc7
- 55.h6+
- Kxh6
- 56.Kd1
- Txc6
- 53.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tf6
- 54.c7
- Tc6
- 55.Kb3
- Txc7
- 56.Kb4
- Kh6
- 57.Kb5
- Kxh5
- 53.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc1
- 54.h5
- Txc6
- 55.Kb4
- Kh6
- 56.Kb5
- Tc8
- 57.Kb6
- Kxh5
- 53...Tf8
- 53...Tf2+
- 54.Kb3
- 54.Ka1
- Tc2
- 55.c8=Q
- Txc8
- 56.Kb2 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kf6
- 57.Kb3
- Kg6
- 58.Kb4
- Kh5
- 59.Kb5
- Kxh4
- 54.Ka3
- Tc2
- 55.c8=Q
- Txc8
- 56.Kb4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kg6
- 57.Kb5
- Kh5
- 58.Kb6
- Kxh4
- 54.Kb1
- Tf8
- 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc8
- 56.Kc1
- Txc7+
- 57.Kd2
- Kh6
- 58.Kd3
- Kxh5
- 54.Kc1
- Tf8
- 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc8
- 56.Kd1
- Txc7
- 57.Kd2
- Kh6
- 58.Kd3
- Kxh5
- 54.Kc3
- Tf8
- 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc8
- 56.h6+
- Kxh6
- 57.Kd4
- Txc7
- 54...Tf8
- 55.Kb4
- 55.Kc4
- Tc8
- 56.Kd5
- Txc7
- 57.Kd6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc2
- 58.h5
- Kh6
- 59.Ke5
- Kxh5
- 55.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc8
- 56.h6+
- Kxh6
- 57.Kc4
- Txc7+
- 55.Ka4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc8
- 56.Ka5
- Txc7
- 57.Kb6
- Tc4
- 58.h5
- Kh6
- 59.Kb5
- Tc8
- 60.Kb6
- Kxh5
- 55...Tc8
- 55...Kf6
- 56.Kc5
- 56.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Ke6
- 57.Kc6
- Th8
- 58.h5
- Ke7
- 59.h6
- Tc8
- 60.h7
- Th8
- 61.c8=Q
- Txc8+
- 62.Kd5
- Td8+
- 63.Ke4
- Kf7
- 64.Kf4
- Th8
- 65.Kf5
- Txh7
- 56.Ka5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Ke7
- 57.h5
- Kd6
- 58.h6
- Kxc7
- 59.h7
- Th8
- 60.Kb5
- Txh7
- 56...Ke6
- 56...Ke5
- 57.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 57.Kc6
- Ke6
- 58.Kb7
- Kd7
- 57.Kb6
- Kd6
- 58.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kxc7
- 59.Kc4
- Tf5
- 60.Kd4
- Th5
- 61.Kd3
- Txh4
- 57...Ke6
- 58.Kc6
- Th8
- 59.h6
- Tc8
- 60.h7
- Th8
- 61.Kb7
- Kd7
- 62.Kb6
- Txh7
- 63.Kb7
- Th8
- 64.Kb6
- Th5
- 65.Kb7
- Tb5+
- 66.Ka6
- Tb1
- 67.c8=Q+
- Kxc8
- 56...Ke7
- 57.Kc6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 57.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kd7
- 58.h6
- Kxc7
- 59.h7
- Th8
- 60.Kd5
- Txh7
- 57.Kb6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kd6
- 58.Kb5
- Kxc7
- 59.Kc4
- Tf5
- 60.Kd4
- Th5
- 61.Kd3
- Txh4
- 57...Th8
- 58.h5
- Ke6
- 59.h6
- Tc8
- 60.h7
- Th8
- 61.Kb7
- Kd7
- 62.Kb6
- Txh7
- 63.Kb7
- Th8
- 64.Kb6
- Th5
- 65.Kb7
- Tb5+
- 66.Ka6
- Tb1
- 67.c8=Q+
- Kxc8
- 57.Kc6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 57.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kd7
- 58.h6
- Kxc7
- 59.h7
- Th8
- 60.Kd5
- Txh7
- 57.Kb6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kd6
- 58.Kb5
- Kxc7
- 59.Kc4
- Tf5
- 60.Kd4
- Th5
- 61.Kd3
- Txh4
- 57...Th8
- 58.h5
- Ke7
- 59.h6
- Tc8
- 60.h7
- Th8
- 61.c8=Q
- Txc8+
- 62.Kd5
- Td8+
- 63.Ke4
- Kf7
- 64.Kf4
- Th8
- 65.Kf5
- Txh7
- 55...Kf7
- 56.Kc5
- 56.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Ke6
- 57.Kc6
- Th8
- 58.h5
- Ke7
- 59.h6
- Tc8
- 60.h7
- Th8
- 61.c8=Q
- Txc8+
- 62.Kd5
- Td8+
- 63.Ke4
- Kf7
- 64.Kf4
- Th8
- 65.Kf5
- Txh7
- 56.Ka5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Ke7
- 57.h5
- Kd6
- 58.h6
- Kxc7
- 59.h7
- Th8
- 60.Kb5
- Txh7
- 56.Kc5
- 56.Ka5
- Txc7
- 57.Kb6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc4
- 58.h5
- Kh6
- 59.Kb5
- Tc8
- 60.Kb6
- Kxh5
- 56.h5
- Txc7
- 57.Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kh6
- 58.Kb6
- Tc1
- 59.Kb7
- Kxh5
- 56...Txc7+
- 57.Kd5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 57.Kd4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Kf6
- 58.h5
- Kg5
- 59.Ke4
- Kxh5
- 57.Kd6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc2
- 58.h5
- Kh6
- 59.Ke5
- Kxh5
- 57...Kf6
- 58.h5
- Kf5
- 59.h6
- Th7
- 60.Kc6
- Txh6+
- 54.Kb1 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 54.h5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc8
- 55.Kc1
- Txc7+
- 56.Kd2
- Kh6
- 57.Kd3
- Kxh5
- 54.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Tc8
- 55.h5
- Txc7
- 56.Kb4
- Kh6
- 57.Kb5
- Kxh5
- 54...Tc8
- 55.Kc2
- Txc7+
- 56.Kd3
- Kf6
- 57.Ke4
- Tc4+
- 58.Kd3
- Txh4
- 53.Ka3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 53.Kc3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Df3+
- 54.Kc2
- Dxc6+
- 53.c7 with a winning endgame, for example:
- Dc4
- 54.h5
- Dxc7
- 53...Kf6
- 54.c7
- Dc4
- 55.h5
- Dxc7
- 51...f2
- 52.c7
- f1=Q+
- 53.Kb2
- Dc4
- 54.h5
- Dxc7
- 55.h6+
- Kxh6
- 56.Kb3
- Kg5
- 57.Kb4
- Dc6