Oppgave 503648: Sort å sjakkmatt
Domen Zaloznik S (1554) - Tilen Gnidovec (1546)
SLO-ch U14 Rogaska Slatina (9), 2010.02.25
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
SLO-ch U14 Rogaska Slatina (9), 2010.02.25
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- c5
- 3.dxc5
- Lxc5
- 4.f4
- Db6
- 5.Sf3
- Lf2+
- 6.Kd2
- Løsning:6.Kd2
- De3# Halefinnematt
- 6...De3#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3