Oppgave 134254: Hvit å gjennvinne matriale
Oppgave 134254: Hvit å gjennvinne matriale
M. Kobalia (2639) - A. Gasthofer (2453)
8th ch-Euro Dresden GER (1), 2007.04.03 M. Kobalia (2639) - A. Gasthofer (2453)
8th ch-Euro Dresden GER (1), 2007.04.03
8th ch-Euro Dresden GER (1), 2007.04.03 M. Kobalia (2639) - A. Gasthofer (2453)
8th ch-Euro Dresden GER (1), 2007.04.03
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Hovedmotivet i denne oppgaven er Trade and pin.
An attack on a piece is called a pin, when moving it out of the attack would expose a more valuable piece behind it.
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