Problem 998637: Putih jalan Skakmat
Ludwig Erdmann Bledow - Karl Schorn
Berlin, 1839
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3
Berlin, 1839
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Kf3
- Kc6
- 3.d4
- exd4
- 4.Gc4
- d6
- 5.c3
- dxc3
- 6.Kxc3
- h6
- 7.Mb3
- Md7
- 8.Gb5
- a6
- 9.Ma4
- axb5
- 10.Mxa8
- Kb4
- 11.O-O
- Ka6
- 12.Kxb5
- Kf6
- 13.e5
- Kd5
- 14.exd6
- Kb6
- 15.Be1+
- Rd8
- 16.dxc7+
- Kxc7
- 17.Mb8
- Mxb5
- 18.Gf4
- Ka6
- 19.Bad1+
- Kd7
- 20.Mxc8+
- Rxc8
- Jawaban:20...Rxc8
- 21.Be8# Mat Pillsbury
- 21.Be8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3