Zagonetka 451523: Crni dobiva

GM Johan-Sebastian Christiansen (2582) - GM Abhimanyu Puranik (2604)
World Blitz 2021 Warsaw POL, 2021.12.30
  1. 1.Sf3
  2. Sf6
  3. 2.c4
  4. c5
  5. 3.g3
  6. b6
  7. 4.Lg2
  8. Lb7
  9. 5.O-O
  10. e6
  11. 6.Sc3
  12. Le7
  13. 7.Te1
  14. O-O
  15. 8.e4
  16. d6
  17. 9.d4
  18. cxd4
  19. 10.Sxd4
  20. Dc8
  21. 11.Le3
  22. a6
  23. 12.Tc1
  24. Sbd7
  25. 13.f4
  26. Td8
  27. 14.g4
  28. Sc5
  29. 15.Lf2
  30. Tb8
  31. 16.g5
  32. Se8
  33. 17.De2
  34. Lf8
  35. 18.f5
  36. g6
  37. 19.b4
  38. e5
  39. 20.Sc2
  40. Sd7
  41. 21.Se3
  42. Sg7
  43. 22.Scd5
  44. Sh5
  45. 23.Lg3
  46. Te8
  47. 24.f6
  48. Dd8
  49. 25.Ted1
  50. h6
  51. 26.Lh4
  52. Sf4
  53. 27.Df3
  54. hxg5
  55. 28.Lxg5
  56. Se6
  57. 29.Dg4
  58. b5
  59. 30.c5
  60. dxc5
  61. 31.Se7+
  62. Lxe7
  63. 32.fxe7
  64. Txe7
  65. 33.Lxe7
  66. Dxe7
  67. 34.Sf5
  68. De8
  69. 35.Sd6
  70. De7
  71. 36.Sf5
  72. De8
  73. 37.Td6
  74. Sf6
  75. 38.Dh4
  76. Sh5
  77. 39.Tcd1
  78. cxb4
  79. 40.Lf3
  80. gxf5
  81. 41.Lxh5
  82. Lxe4
  83. 42.Td7
  84. Tb7
  85. 43.Lxf7+
  86. Dxf7
  87. 44.Txf7
  88. Txf7
  89. 45.Dh6
  90. Tg7+
  91. 46.Kf2
  92. Tg2+
  93. 47.Kf1
  94. Sd4
  95. 48.Dxa6
  96. Tg5
  97. 49.Dc8+
  98. Kg7
  99. 50.Dc7+
  100. Kf6
  101. 51.Dd8+
  102. Kg6
  103. 52.Dd6+
  104. Kh5
  105. 53.Dxe5
    1. Rješenje:53.Dxe5
    2. Tg1+ Crni top odvlači Kralj bijelih.
    3. 54.Kxg1
      1. 54.Kf2
      2. Txd1
      3. 55.De8+
      4. Kg5
    4. 54...Sf3+ Crni konj dvostruko napada Kralj bijelih i kraljica.
    5. 55.Kf2
      1. 55.Kf1
      2. Sxe5
      1. 55.Kg2
      2. Sxe5+
    6. 55...Sxe5
  106. 53...Tg1+
  107. 54.Kf2
  108. Txd1
  109. 55.Dg7
  110. Td2+
  111. 56.Ke3
  112. Td3+
  113. 57.Kf2
  114. Td2+
  115. 58.Ke3
  116. Td3+
  117. 59.Kf2
  118. Tf3+
  119. 60.Ke1
  120. Sc2+
  121. 61.Ke2
  122. Se3
  123. 62.Dh7+
  124. Kg5
  125. 63.Dg7+
  126. Kf4
  127. 64.Dc7+
  128. Kg4
  129. 65.Dh7
  130. Sd5
  131. 66.Ke1
  132. Kf4
  133. 67.Dh6+
  134. Ke5
  135. 68.Dh8+
  136. Kd6
  137. 69.Df8+
  138. Kc6
  139. 70.Dc8+
  140. Kb6
  141. 71.Dd8+
  142. Kc5
  143. 72.Kd2
  144. Tf2+
  145. 73.Ke1
  146. Txa2
  147. 74.h4
  148. Ta1+
  149. 75.Kf2
  150. Ta2+
  151. 76.Ke1
  152. b3
  153. 77.Df8+
  154. Kc4
  155. 78.Dc8+
  156. Kd4
  157. 79.Dh8+
  158. Ke3
  159. 80.De5
  160. b2
  161. 81.Dg3+
  162. Kd4
  163. 82.Df2+
  164. Kc4
  165. 83.De2+
  166. Ld3

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: version 3
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