पहेली 374172: सफ़ेद से बचाव
GM Pier Luigi Basso (2541) - IM Vignir Vatnar Stefansson (2371)
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021 Reykjavik ISL, 2021.08.30
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
21st ch-EUR Indiv 2021 Reykjavik ISL, 2021.08.30
- 1.d4
- Nf6
- 2.c4
- e6
- 3.Nc3
- d5
- 4.cxd5
- exd5
- 5.Bg5
- Bb4
- 6.Nf3
- h6
- 7.Bh4
- O-O
- 8.e3
- Bf5
- 9.Be2
- Nbd7
- 10.Qb3
- Bxc3+
- 11.Qxc3
- Ne4
- 12.Bxd8
- Nxc3
- 13.bxc3
- Rfxd8
- 14.Nh4
- Bh7
- 15.g4
- c5
- 16.Kd2
- Rac8
- 17.a4
- Rc7
- 18.a5
- Rdc8
- 19.Ra3
- Nf6
- 20.f3
- g5
- 21.Ng2
- h5
- 22.h3
- Bg6
- 23.Ne1
- hxg4
- 24.hxg4
- c4
- 25.Bd1
- Kg7
- 26.Bc2
- Rh8
- 27.Rxh8
- Kxh8
- 28.Bxg6
- fxg6
- 29.Ra1
- Kg8
- 30.Nc2
- Rh7
- 31.Rb1
- Rh2+
- 32.Kd1
- Rh1+
- उपाय:32...Rh1+
- 33.Ne1
- 33.Ne1
- Rh7
- 34.Rb5
- Kf8
- 35.Nc2
- Rd7
- 36.Na3
- Re7
- 37.Ke2
- Ke8
- 38.Nb1
- Kf7
- 39.Nd2
- Kg7
- 40.Kf2
- Kh6
- 41.e4
- dxe4
- 42.Nxe4
- Nxe4+
- 43.fxe4
- Rxe4
- 44.Rxb7
- Rf4+
- 45.Kg3
- Re4
- 46.Rxa7
- Re3+
- 47.Kf2
- Re2+
- 48.Kxe2 stalemate
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: