पहेली 330060: काले से शतरंज में राजा को चारों ओर से घेरना
IM Alexander Gelman (2403) - GM Alan Pichot (2630)
Titled Tuesday 4th May chess.com INT (11), 2021.05.04
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 4th May chess.com INT (11), 2021.05.04
- 1.d4
- Nf6
- 2.Nc3
- d5
- 3.Bf4
- Bf5
- 4.f3
- c6
- 5.g4
- Bg6
- 6.h4
- h6
- 7.e3
- e6
- 8.Qd2
- Bd6
- 9.Nge2
- Qe7
- 10.O-O-O
- Nbd7
- 11.Bxd6
- Qxd6
- 12.Nf4
- Nf8
- 13.Rg1
- O-O-O
- 14.h5
- Bh7
- 15.g5
- Ne8
- 16.e4
- hxg5
- 17.Rxg5
- Qe7
- 18.Rg1
- dxe4
- 19.Nxe4
- e5
- 20.Bh3+
- Kb8
- 21.Ne2
- Ne6
- 22.Bxe6
- Qxe6
- 23.Qa5
- Rd5
- 24.Nc5
- Qe7
- 25.Qb4
- Ka8
- 26.c4
- Rd8
- 27.dxe5
- b6
- 28.Rxd8+
- Qxd8
- 29.Na6
- Qd3
- 30.Qd2
- उपाय:30.Qd2
- Qb1# दामियानो का बिशप मेट
- 30...Qb1#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3