पहेली 185074: काले से शतरंज में राजा को चारों ओर से घेरना
FM Shahzod Vakhidov (2312) - IM Pavel Shkapenko (2424)
Titled Tuesday 2nd June chess.com INT (2), 2020.06.02
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 2nd June chess.com INT (2), 2020.06.02
- 1.Nf3
- Nf6
- 2.g3
- d5
- 3.Bg2
- c6
- 4.c4
- dxc4
- 5.O-O
- Nbd7
- 6.a4
- e5
- 7.Qc2
- Bd6
- 8.Na3
- Bc7
- 9.Nxc4
- O-O
- 10.d3
- Re8
- 11.Nfd2
- Nf8
- 12.b4
- Ne6
- 13.e3
- Ng5
- 14.Nb3
- Bh3
- 15.Nc5
- Bxg2
- 16.Kxg2
- Qc8
- 17.f4
- exf4
- 18.gxf4
- Qh3+
- 19.Kh1
- उपाय:19.Kh1
- Qxf1# पिछली-पंक्ति शहमात
- 19...Qxf1#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3