谜题 838344: 白方赢棋局

Pawel Kukula (2135) - WIM Olga Matveeva (2111)
Titled Tue 3rd Jan Early chess.com INT (9), 2023.01.03
  1. 1.d4
  2. d5
  3. 2.马f3
  4. 马f6
  5. 3.e3
  6. e6
  7. 4.象d3
  8. c5
  9. 5.c3
  10. 马c6
  11. 6.马bd2
  12. 象e7
  13. 7.O-O
  14. O-O
  15. 8.后e2
  16. b6
  17. 9.dxc5
  18. 象xc5
  19. 10.e4
  20. 象b7
  21. 11.e5
  22. 马d7
  23. 12.b4
  24. 象e7
  25. 13.b5
  26. 马a5
  27. 14.车e1
  28. 车c8
  29. 15.象b2
  30. 后c7
  31. 16.车ac1
  32. 马c4
  33. 17.马xc4
  34. dxc4
  35. 18.象b1
  36. 车fd8
  37. 19.h4
  38. g6
  39. 20.h5
  40. 象f8
  41. 21.hxg6
  42. hxg6
  43. 22.象e4
  44. 象g7
  45. 23.象xb7
  46. 后xb7
  47. 24.象a3
  48. 马c5
  49. 25.象xc5
  50. 车xc5
  51. 26.a4
  52. 后c7
  53. 27.车cd1
  54. 车cd5
  55. 28.车xd5
  56. 车xd5
  57. 29.车d1
  58. 车xd1+
  59. 30.后xd1
  60. 象xe5
  61. 31.后e1
  62. 象f6
  63. 32.g3
  64. 王g7
  65. 33.后e3
  66. 后d6
  67. 34.马d2
  68. 后d3
  69. 35.后xd3
  70. cxd3
  71. 36.马e4
  72. d2
  73. 37.马xd2
  74. 象xc3
  75. 38.马e4
  76. 象e5
  77. 39.王f1
  78. f5
  79. 40.马d2
  80. 王f6
  81. 41.马c4
  82. 象c7
  83. 42.王e2
  84. e5
  85. 43.王d3
  86. 王e6
  87. 44.马e3
  88. g5
  89. 45.f3
  90. f4
  91. 46.gxf4
  92. exf4
  93. 47.马g4
  94. 王d5
  95. 48.马f6+
  96. 王c5
  97. 49.马e4+
  98. 王b4
  99. 50.马xg5
  100. 王xa4
  101. 51.王c4
  102. 王a5
  103. 52.马e6
  104. 象b8
  105. 53.马d4
  106. 王a4
  107. 54.马c6
  108. 象d6
  109. 55.马xa7
  110. 王a3
  111. 56.马c8
  112. 象c5
  113. 57.王d5
  114. 王b2
  115. 58.王c6
  116. 王c3
  117. 59.马xb6
  118. 象xb6
  119. 60.王xb6
  120. 王d3
  121. 61.王c5
  122. 王e3
    1. 答案:61...王e3
    2. 62.b6
    3. 王xf3
      1. 62...王e2 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. 63.b7
      3. 王xf3
      4. 64.b8=Q
      1. 62...王f2 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. 63.b7
      3. 王xf3
      4. 64.b8=Q
    4. 63.b7
    5. 王g2
      1. 63...王e2 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. 64.b8=Q
      1. 63...王e3 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. 64.b8=Q
      1. 63...王e4 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. 64.b8=Q
    6. 64.b8=Q
    7. f3
    8. 65.后b7
      1. 65.后a8
      2. 王f2 with a winning endgame, for example:
      3. 66.王d4
      4. 王g2
      5. 67.王e3
      6. 王g3
      7. 68.后xf3+
      1. 65.后g8+
      2. 王f2 with a winning endgame, for example:
      3. 66.王d4
      4. 王e2
      5. 67.后a2+
      6. 王f1
      7. 68.王e3
      8. 王e1
      9. 69.王xf3
    9. 65...王f2 with a winning endgame, for example:
    10. 66.王d4
    11. 王g2
    12. 67.王e3
    13. 王g3
    14. 68.后xf3+
  123. 62.b6
  124. 王xf3
  125. 63.b7
  126. 王g2
  127. 64.b8=Q
  128. f3
  129. 65.王d4
  130. f2
  131. 66.后g8+
  132. 王h1
  133. 67.后h7+
  134. 王g1
  135. 68.后g6+
  136. 王h1
  137. 69.后h5+
  138. 王g1
  139. 70.后g4+
  140. 王h1
  141. 71.后e2
  142. 王g1
  143. 72.后g4+
  144. 王h1
  145. 73.后h3+
  146. 王g1
  147. 74.后g3+
  148. 王h1
  149. 75.后f3+
  150. 王g1
  151. 76.后e3
  152. 王g2
  153. 77.后e2
  154. 王g1
  155. 78.后g4+
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