谜题 800769: 白方和棋

IM Ruslan Kashtanov (2376) - FM Jorge Soto Vega (2363)
Titled Tuesday 16th June chess.com INT (4), 2020.06.16
  1. 1.马f3
  2. f5
  3. 2.d3
  4. 马f6
  5. 3.e4
  6. d6
  7. 4.exf5
  8. 象xf5
  9. 5.d4
  10. c6
  11. 6.象d3
  12. 后d7
  13. 7.O-O
  14. 马a6
  15. 8.车e1
  16. 马c7
  17. 9.c4
  18. g6
  19. 10.马c3
  20. 象g7
  21. 11.象xf5
  22. 后xf5
  23. 12.d5
  24. 后d7
  25. 13.后b3
  26. 马a6
  27. 14.象e3
  28. O-O
  29. 15.车ad1
  30. 马g4
  31. 16.象d4
  32. 象xd4
  33. 17.车xd4
  34. 马c5
  35. 18.后c2
  36. 车xf3
  37. 19.gxf3
  38. 马e5
  39. 20.王g2
  40. 车f8
  41. 21.车e3
  42. a5
  43. 22.dxc6
  44. bxc6
  45. 23.车xe5
  46. 车xf3
  47. 24.王xf3
  48. 后h3+
  49. 25.王e2
  50. dxe5
  51. 26.车d8+
  52. 王g7
  53. 27.后d2
  54. 马e6
  55. 28.后e3
  56. 后xe3+
  57. 29.王xe3
  58. 马xd8
  59. 30.马e4
  60. 马e6
  61. 31.c5
  62. 马c7
  63. 32.王d3
  64. h6
  65. 33.王c4
  66. 王f7
  67. 34.a3
  68. 王e6
  69. 35.马c3
  70. 王f5
  71. 36.b4
  72. axb4
  73. 37.axb4
  74. 王f4
  75. 38.b5
  76. cxb5+
  77. 39.马xb5
  78. 马a6
  79. 40.c6
  80. 王f3
  81. 41.王d5
  82. 马b4+
  83. 42.王c5
  84. 马xc6
  85. 43.王xc6
  86. 王xf2
  87. 44.王d5
  88. 王g2
  89. 45.h4
  90. 王h3
  91. 46.王xe5
  92. 王xh4
  93. 47.王f4
  94. g5+
  95. 48.王f3
  96. 王h3
  97. 49.王f2
  98. 王h2
  99. 50.王f3
  100. h5
  101. 51.马d4
  102. g4+
  103. 52.王f4
  104. e5+
  105. 53.王xe5
  106. g3
  107. 54.王f4
  108. 王g2
  109. 55.马f3
  110. 王f2
  111. 56.马h4
  112. g2
  113. 57.马xg2
  114. 王xg2
    1. 答案:57...王xg2
    2. 58.王g5
    3. 王g3
      1. 58...王h3 with a drawn endgame, for example:
      2. 59.王xh5
      1. 58...h4
      2. 59.王xh4
      1. 58...王f2 with a drawn endgame, for example:
      2. 59.王xh5
      1. 58...王f3 with a drawn endgame, for example:
      2. 59.王xh5
    4. 59.王xh5
  115. 58.王g5
  116. h4
  117. 59.王xh4

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • The king reaches the square
ChessPuzzle.net version 3
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