谜题 594586: 白方赢棋
Bodo Lohr - Ruth Nicol
op St . Ingbert (7), 1997
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
op St . Ingbert (7), 1997
- 1.e4
- c5
- 2.d4
- cxd4
- 3.c3
- dxc3
- 4.马xc3
- d6
- 5.马f3
- 马c6
- 6.象c4
- 马f6
- 7.e5
- dxe5
- 8.后xd8+
- 马xd8
- 9.马b5
- 象e6
- 10.马xe5
- 象xc4
- 答案:10...象xc4
- 11.马c7# 双马将杀
- 11.马c7#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- 1步将杀
- Double knight mate (1 move)
- Attacking the uncastled king (1 move)