谜题 416460: 白方再次获得子力
Kornel Havasi - Jeno Szekely
Temesvar, 1912
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Temesvar, 1912
- 1.e4
- c6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.exd5
- cxd5
- 4.马f3
- 马f6
- 5.象d3
- 象g4
- 6.O-O
- 马c6
- 7.c3
- e6
- 8.后e2
- 象d6
- 9.h3
- 象h5
- 10.车e1
- 后c7
- 11.象e3
- 马e4
- 12.c4
- O-O
- 13.马c3
- 马xc3
- 14.bxc3
- dxc4
- 15.象xh7+
- 王h8
- 16.g4
- 象xg4
- 17.hxg4
- 王xh7
- 18.马g5+
- 王g8
- 19.后f3
- 象e7
- 20.王g2
- 象xg5
- 21.象xg5
- 后d7
- 22.后e3
- e5
- 23.后h3
- f6
- 24.象d2
- exd4
- 25.车h1
- 后d5+
- 26.f3
- 马e7
- 27.车ae1
- 马g6
- 28.后h7+
- 王f7
- 29.车h6
- 马e7
- 30.g5
- fxg5
- 31.车he6
- 马f5
- 答案:31...马f5
- 32.车6e5
- 马h4+
- 33.后xh4
- 后xf3+
- 34.王xf3
- gxh4
- 35.cxd4
- 32.车6e5
- 马h4+
- 33.后xh4
- gxh4
- 34.车xd5
- d3
- 35.车d7+
- 王g8
- 36.车de7
- b5
- 37.王h3
- 车fc8
- 38.王g4
- 车c6
- 39.车b7
- 车b6
- 40.车d7
- h3
- 41.车ee7
- 王h8
- 42.王xh3
- a5
- 43.a3
- 车bb8
- 44.王g4
- g5
- 45.象e3
- 车e8
- 46.象d4+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Attack defender (4 moves)