谜题 364520: 白方将死
GM Dmitrij Kollars (2607) - Graham Horobetz
Titled Tuesday 29th June chess.com INT (3), 2021.06.29
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 29th June chess.com INT (3), 2021.06.29
- 1.马f3
- c5
- 2.e4
- d6
- 3.c3
- 马f6
- 4.象e2
- g6
- 5.O-O
- 象g7
- 6.象b5+
- 象d7
- 7.象xd7+
- 后xd7
- 8.车e1
- 马c6
- 9.d4
- cxd4
- 10.cxd4
- d5
- 11.e5
- 马e4
- 12.马c3
- 马xc3
- 13.bxc3
- e6
- 14.象f4
- 车c8
- 15.h4
- 马a5
- 16.车c1
- 马c4
- 17.h5
- b6
- 18.马h2
- 象f8
- 19.马g4
- 象e7
- 20.后f3
- gxh5
- 21.马h6
- h4
- 22.后h5
- 象a3
- 23.车c2
- 车c7
- 24.象g5
- 后a4
- 25.车ce2
- 后a5
- 26.后f3
- 象f8
- 27.后f6
- 象xh6
- 答案:27...象xh6
- 28.后d8# 达米亚诺的主教终局
- 28.后d8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3