谜题 325749: 黑方将死
Stefan Wittenberger (1601) - Vit Stepanek
4th Pilsen Open 2012 Plzen CZE, 2012.08.23
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
4th Pilsen Open 2012 Plzen CZE, 2012.08.23
- 1.e4
- c6
- 2.马f3
- d5
- 3.e5
- 象g4
- 4.d4
- e6
- 5.h3
- 象h5
- 6.象e3
- 马d7
- 7.c4
- 后c7
- 8.马c3
- 象b4
- 9.a3
- 象xc3+
- 10.bxc3
- c5
- 11.cxd5
- exd5
- 12.g4
- 象g6
- 13.马g5
- cxd4
- 14.象xd4
- 马xe5
- 15.后e2
- f6
- 16.马e6
- 后e7
- 17.后b5+
- 王f7
- 18.马c7
- 答案:18.马c7
- 马f3+ 双重检查
- 19.王d1
- 后e1# 达米亚诺的骑士将军
- 18...马f3+
- 19.王d1
- 后e1#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- 2步将杀
- Damiano's knight mate (2 moves)
- Double check into checkmate (2 moves)