谜题 264086: 白方赢棋
FM Serhan Berat Ozdemir (2191) - GM Alexander Rustemov (2525)
Titled Tuesday 2nd Mar chess.com INT (4), 2021.03.02
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 2nd Mar chess.com INT (4), 2021.03.02
- 1.e4
- e6
- 2.d4
- d5
- 3.马d2
- c5
- 4.马gf3
- 马f6
- 5.e5
- 马fd7
- 6.c3
- b6
- 7.象d3
- 象a6
- 8.象xa6
- 马xa6
- 9.O-O
- 象e7
- 10.车e1
- 马ab8
- 11.马f1
- 马c6
- 12.马g3
- 后c7
- 13.a3
- 车c8
- 14.b4
- cxd4
- 15.cxd4
- b5
- 16.马h5
- g6
- 17.马f4
- 马b6
- 18.马d3
- 马c4
- 19.象h6
- a5
- 20.bxa5
- 后xa5
- 21.a4
- b4
- 22.象g7
- 车g8
- 23.象f6
- h6
- 24.马c1
- 象xf6
- 25.exf6
- 后d8
- 26.a5
- 后xf6
- 27.a6
- 王f8
- 28.a7
- 王g7
- 29.车a6
- 马e7
- 30.马d3
- 车a8
- 31.马xb4
- 车gc8
- 32.后a4
- 车c7
- 33.h3
- 马c8
- 答案:33...马c8
- 34.马xd5 打开从a6到f6的线路。
- exd5
- 34...车cxa7
- 35.马xf6
- 34...马b2 White is winning. White's passed pawn(s), piece activity, material advantage and better king safety are not compensated by Black's better pawn structure.
- 35.车xf6
- 34.马xd5
- 马4b6
- 35.马xf6
- 马xa4
- 36.马e8+
- 王f8
- 37.马xc7
- 车xa7
- 38.车xa7
- 马xa7
- 39.车a1
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3