谜题 264086: 白方赢棋

FM Serhan Berat Ozdemir (2191) - GM Alexander Rustemov (2525)
Titled Tuesday 2nd Mar chess.com INT (4), 2021.03.02
  1. 1.e4
  2. e6
  3. 2.d4
  4. d5
  5. 3.马d2
  6. c5
  7. 4.马gf3
  8. 马f6
  9. 5.e5
  10. 马fd7
  11. 6.c3
  12. b6
  13. 7.象d3
  14. 象a6
  15. 8.象xa6
  16. 马xa6
  17. 9.O-O
  18. 象e7
  19. 10.车e1
  20. 马ab8
  21. 11.马f1
  22. 马c6
  23. 12.马g3
  24. 后c7
  25. 13.a3
  26. 车c8
  27. 14.b4
  28. cxd4
  29. 15.cxd4
  30. b5
  31. 16.马h5
  32. g6
  33. 17.马f4
  34. 马b6
  35. 18.马d3
  36. 马c4
  37. 19.象h6
  38. a5
  39. 20.bxa5
  40. 后xa5
  41. 21.a4
  42. b4
  43. 22.象g7
  44. 车g8
  45. 23.象f6
  46. h6
  47. 24.马c1
  48. 象xf6
  49. 25.exf6
  50. 后d8
  51. 26.a5
  52. 后xf6
  53. 27.a6
  54. 王f8
  55. 28.a7
  56. 王g7
  57. 29.车a6
  58. 马e7
  59. 30.马d3
  60. 车a8
  61. 31.马xb4
  62. 车gc8
  63. 32.后a4
  64. 车c7
  65. 33.h3
  66. 马c8
    1. 答案:33...马c8
    2. 34.马xd5 打开从a6到f6的线路。
    3. exd5
      1. 34...车cxa7
      2. 35.马xf6
      1. 34...马b2 White is winning. White's passed pawn(s), piece activity, material advantage and better king safety are not compensated by Black's better pawn structure.
    4. 35.车xf6
  67. 34.马xd5
  68. 马4b6
  69. 35.马xf6
  70. 马xa4
  71. 36.马e8+
  72. 王f8
  73. 37.马xc7
  74. 车xa7
  75. 38.车xa7
  76. 马xa7
  77. 39.车a1

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