谜题 218983: 白方将死

GM Dmitriy Khegay (2528) - IM Nikita Khoroshev (2366)
Titled Tuesday 21st July chess.com INT (7), 2020.07.21
  1. 1.b3
  2. a5
  3. 2.象b2
  4. a4
  5. 3.b4
  6. e6
  7. 4.a3
  8. 马f6
  9. 5.马f3
  10. d5
  11. 6.e3
  12. c5
  13. 7.bxc5
  14. 象xc5
  15. 8.c4
  16. 马c6
  17. 9.cxd5
  18. exd5
  19. 10.马c3
  20. 后a5
  21. 11.象b5
  22. O-O
  23. 12.O-O
  24. 马e4
  25. 13.象e2
  26. 象e7
  27. 14.马b5
  28. 象e6
  29. 15.马bd4
  30. 马xd4
  31. 16.象xd4
  32. 马c5
  33. 17.象c3
  34. 后d8
  35. 18.马d4
  36. 象d7
  37. 19.象b4
  38. 马e4
  39. 20.象xe7
  40. 后xe7
  41. 21.象f3
  42. 车fc8
  43. 22.象xe4
  44. dxe4
  45. 23.后b1
  46. b5
  47. 24.后b2
  48. 车ab8
  49. 25.马c2
  50. 后d6
  51. 26.马b4
  52. 象e6
  53. 27.f3
  54. 车d8
  55. 28.车f2
  56. f5
  57. 29.fxe4
  58. fxe4
  59. 30.车af1
  60. 象c4
  61. 31.车c1
  62. 车f8
  63. 32.车xf8+
  64. 车xf8
  65. 33.后d4
  66. 后xd4
  67. 34.exd4
  68. 车d8
  69. 35.王f2
  70. 车xd4
  71. 36.王e3
  72. 车d6
  73. 37.车c2
  74. 车e6
  75. 38.车c1
  76. 王f7
  77. 39.马c2
  78. 车d6
  79. 40.马d4
  80. 象d3
  81. 41.车c7+
  82. 王g6
  83. 42.车b7
  84. 车d5
  85. 43.g4
  86. h5
  87. 44.h3
  88. hxg4
  89. 45.hxg4
  90. 车g5
  91. 46.王f4
  92. 车d5
  93. 47.马f5
  94. 王f6
    1. 答案:47...王f6
    2. 48.g5+
    3. 王g6
      1. 48...王e6
      2. 49.车e7#
    4. 49.车xg7+ The white rook attacks Black's king, which is defending the square h7.
    5. 王h5
    6. 50.马g3+
    7. 王h4
    8. 51.车h7#
  95. 48.g5+
  96. 王g6
  97. 49.马e7+

This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
  • Checkmate (4 moves)
  • Attack defender of mate (4 moves)
ChessPuzzle.net version 3
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