Bulmaca 995954: Siyah sonuçu kazanır

Werner Posch (2230) - Heinz Insam (2250)
AUT-chT2O 9293 Austria, 1992
  1. 1.e4
  2. e5
  3. 2.Ac3
  4. d6
  5. 3.Fc4
  6. Ac6
  7. 4.d3
  8. h5
  9. 5.h3
  10. Fe6
  11. 6.Af3
  12. Ad4
  13. 7.Fe3
  14. Axf3+
  15. 8.Vxf3
  16. Vf6
  17. 9.Ve2
  18. g6
  19. 10.Ad5
  20. Fxd5
  21. 11.Fxd5
  22. c6
  23. 12.Fb3
  24. Fh6
  25. 13.O-O-O
  26. Ae7
  27. 14.Vd2
  28. Fxe3
  29. 15.fxe3
  30. d5
  31. 16.Khf1
  32. Vd6
  33. 17.exd5
  34. cxd5
  35. 18.e4
  36. Kf8
  37. 19.exd5
  38. O-O-O
  39. 20.d4
  40. e4
  41. 21.c4
  42. f5
  43. 22.Şb1
  44. Vg3
  45. 23.Kfe1
  46. Şb8
  47. 24.Ke3
  48. Vf4
  49. 25.g3
  50. Vc7
  51. 26.d6
  52. Kxd6
  53. 27.c5
  54. Kdd8
  55. 28.d5
  56. Vxc5
  57. 29.d6
  58. Ac8
  59. 30.Kc3
  60. Ve5
  61. 31.d7
  62. Ab6
  63. 32.Vh6
  64. Kh8
  65. 33.Vxg6
  66. Kxd7
  67. 34.Kxd7
  68. Axd7
  69. 35.Fe6
  70. Ac5
  71. 36.Fxf5
  72. e3
  73. 37.Kc1
  74. e2
  75. 38.Ke1
  76. Kd8
  77. 39.Fc2
  78. a5
  79. 40.Vb6
  80. Kd5
  81. 41.Vg6
  82. Ae4
  83. 42.Kxe2
  84. Ac3+
  85. 43.bxc3
  86. Kb5+
  87. 44.Şc1
  88. Vxe2
  89. 45.Vd6+
  90. Şa7
  91. 46.Vd4+
  92. Kb6
  93. 47.Vc5
  94. Ve1+
  95. 48.Fd1
  96. Vxg3
  97. 49.Vxa5+
  98. Ka6
  99. 50.Vc5+
  100. Şa8
  101. 51.Vc8+
  102. Vb8
  103. 52.Vxb8+
  104. Şxb8
  105. 53.Fxh5
  106. Kxa2
  107. 54.Şd1
  108. Şc7
  109. 55.Fe2
  110. Şd6
  111. 56.h4
  112. Ka1+
  113. 57.Şd2
  114. Kh1
  115. 58.h5
  116. Kh3
  117. 59.Şc2
  118. Şc5
  119. 60.Şd2
  120. Şd5
  121. 61.Şc2
  122. Kh2
  123. 62.Şd2
  124. Kh3
  125. 63.Şc2
  126. Şe4
  127. 64.Fg4
  128. Kh4
  129. 65.Fd1
  130. Şe3
  131. 66.Şb3
  132. Şd2
  133. 67.Ff3
  134. b6
  135. 68.Şb2
  136. Kc4
  137. 69.Fg2
  138. Kc5
  139. 70.Şb3
  140. Kxc3+
  141. 71.Şb4
  142. Kc5
  143. 72.h6
  144. Kh5
  145. 73.h7
  146. Şd3
  147. 74.Ff3
  148. Kxh7
  149. 75.Şb5
  150. Kh6
  151. 76.Fc6
  152. Şd4
  153. 77.Şxb6
  154. Şc4
  155. 78.Şc7
  156. Şc5
  157. 79.Fe4
  158. Ke6
  159. 80.Ff5
  160. Ke7+
  161. 81.Fd7
  162. Kg7
  163. 82.Şc8
  164. Şd6
  165. 83.Fb5
  166. Kg3
  167. 84.Şb7
  168. Kb3
  169. 85.Şb6
  170. Kb4
  171. 86.Şa6
  172. Kb2
  173. 87.Şb6
  174. Kb3
  175. 88.Şa6
  176. Şc5
  177. 89.Fd7
  178. Kb8
  179. 90.Fg4
  180. Kb6+
  181. 91.Şa7
    1. Cevap:91.Şa7
    2. Şc6
    3. 92.Fh5
      1. 92.Ff5
      2. Şc7
      3. 93.Fh7 with a winning endgame, for example:
      4. Kh6
      5. 94.Fg8
      6. Kh8
      7. 95.Fe6
      8. Kh5
      9. 96.Şa6
      10. Kh6
      11. 97.Şb5
      12. Kxe6
      1. 92.Ff3+
      2. Şc7
      3. 93.Fd1 with a winning endgame, for example:
      4. Kb1
      5. 94.Fa4
      6. Ka1
      7. 95.Şa6
      8. Kxa4+
      1. 92.Şa8 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Kb4
      3. 93.Ff3+
      4. Şc7
      5. 94.Fd1
      6. Kb1
      7. 95.Ff3
      8. Ka1#
    4. 92...Şc7
      1. 92...Kb7+
      2. 93.Şa6
        1. 93.Şa8 with a winning endgame, for example:
        2. Şb6
        3. 94.Fg4
        4. Kh7
        5. 95.Şb8
        6. Kh8+
        7. 96.Fc8
        8. Kg8
        9. 97.Şa8
        10. Kxc8#
      3. 93...Kb6+
      4. 94.Şa7
    5. 93.Ff7 with a winning endgame, for example:
      1. 93.Fe8 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Kf6
      3. 94.Fa4
      4. Kf4
      5. 95.Fc2
      6. Kf2
      7. 96.Fa4
      8. Ka2
      9. 97.Şa6
      10. Kxa4+
      1. 93.Şa8 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. Ka6#
    6. 93...Kh6
    7. 94.Fd5
    8. Kh5
    9. 95.Fc4
    10. Ka5+
    11. 96.Fa6
    12. Ka4
    13. 97.Şa8
    14. Kxa6#
  182. 91...Şc6
  183. 92.Ff5
  184. Şc7
  185. 93.Fh7
  186. Kh6
  187. 94.Fg8
  188. Kh8
  189. 95.Ff7
  190. Kf8
  191. 96.Fg6
  192. Kf6
  193. 97.Fh7
  194. Kd6
  195. 98.Fg8
  196. Kh6
  197. 99.Ff7
  198. Kh7
  199. 100.Fg8
  200. Kg7
  201. 101.Fe6
  202. Şd6+
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