Puzzle 737963: Albul recâștigă material
Andrea Ruiz Villalba (1764) - Chloe Badenhorst (1687)
38th World Junior Girls Cala Gonone ITA, 2022.10.18
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
38th World Junior Girls Cala Gonone ITA, 2022.10.18
- 1.e4
- c5
- 2.Cf3
- Cc6
- 3.d4
- cxd4
- 4.Cxd4
- Cf6
- 5.Cc3
- e5
- 6.Cdb5
- d6
- 7.Ng5
- a6
- 8.Ca3
- b5
- 9.Cd5
- Ne7
- 10.Nxf6
- Nxf6
- 11.c3
- Ng5
- 12.Cc2
- Tb8
- 13.Ne2
- O-O
- 14.O-O
- Ne6
- 15.Cce3
- Nxe3
- 16.Cxe3
- Ce7
- 17.Nf3
- Rh8
- 18.Dd2
- g6
- 19.Tfd1
- Tb6
- 20.a4
- bxa4
- 21.Txa4
- Nb3
- 22.Taa1
- Nxd1
- 23.Txd1
- Dc7
- 24.Ne2
- Tc6
- 25.Cc2
- Tb8
- 26.Cb4
- Txb4
- 27.cxb4
- Tc2
- 28.Dd3
- Txb2
- 29.Dxa6
- Txb4
- 30.Txd6
- Txe4
- 31.Txg6
- hxg6
- Soluţie:31...hxg6
- 32.Da8+ Regina albă atacă dublu Turnul negru al lui Black și rege.
- Rg7
- 32...Cc8
- 33.Dxe4
- Dc1+
- 34.Nf1
- 33.Dxe4
- 32.Da8+
- Rg7
- 33.Dxe4
- Cf5
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3