Puzzle 388474: Albul mută și câștigă
Daniel Smorshchok - Dylan Parker
CAN-ch U12 Victoria (2), 2005.03.24
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
CAN-ch U12 Victoria (2), 2005.03.24
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.d4
- exd4
- 3.Dxd4
- Cc6
- 4.De3
- Cf6
- 5.Cc3
- Nb4
- 6.Nd2
- O-O
- 7.Nd3
- d6
- 8.O-O-O
- Ng4
- 9.Te1
- Ne6
- 10.b3
- Na3+
- 11.Rb1
- Te8
- 12.Ne2
- Nd5
- 13.Dg3
- Nxe4
- 14.Nh6
- g6
- 15.Df4
- Nxg2
- 16.Ng5
- Te6
- 17.Td1
- Nxh1
- 18.Ng4
- De8
- 19.Nxe6
- Dxe6
- 20.Dxf6
- Dxf6
- 21.Nxf6
- Te8
- 22.Cb5
- Nc5
- 23.Cxc7
- Tc8
- 24.Cb5
- Nxf2
- 25.Ch3
- Nf3
- 26.Tf1
- Ne2
- 27.Txf2
- Nxb5
- 28.c4
- Na6
- 29.Te2
- d5
- 30.Cg5
- dxc4
- 31.Te3
- Ca5
- 32.Cxh7
- cxb3
- 33.axb3
- Tc6
- 34.Te8+
- Rxh7
- Soluţie:34...Rxh7
- 35.Th8# Mat forțat
- 35.Th8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3