Puzzle 352559: Albul se apară
Ru Sertic (2395) - Z. Ilincic (2455)
GM Stara Pazova SRB (6), 2010.08.05
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
GM Stara Pazova SRB (6), 2010.08.05
- 1.Cf3
- f5
- 2.d4
- Cf6
- 3.c4
- g6
- 4.Cc3
- Ng7
- 5.e3
- d6
- 6.Ne2
- Cc6
- 7.O-O
- e5
- 8.Tb1
- a5
- 9.a3
- O-O
- 10.Dc2
- h6
- 11.b4
- axb4
- 12.axb4
- exd4
- 13.exd4
- g5
- 14.b5
- Ce7
- 15.d5
- f4
- 16.h3
- Cd7
- 17.Ce4
- Cc5
- 18.Cxc5
- dxc5
- 19.Nb2
- Nf5
- 20.Nd3
- Ta2
- 21.Nxf5
- Cxf5
- 22.Db3
- Txb2
- 23.Txb2
- h5
- 24.h4
- g4
- 25.Cg5
- Df6
- 26.Ta2
- Cxh4
- 27.Ce6
- Cxg2
- 28.Cxf8
- Nxf8
- 29.Db2
- Dg5
- 30.Ta8
- Ch4
- 31.Txf8+
- Rxf8
- 32.Dh8+
- Rf7
- 33.Dh7+
- Rf6
- 34.Dxc7
- Cf3+
- Soluţie:34...Cf3+
- 35.Rg2
- Nu35.Rh1 din cauza
- Dh4+
- 36.Rg2
- Dh2#
- 35.Rg2
- h4
- 36.Db6+
- Rf5
- 37.De6#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Defend against check, avoid checkmate (2 moves)