Puzzle 321071: Albul dă mat
IM Siddharth Ravichandran (2352) - FM Danny Yi (2266)
Titled Tue 25th Aug chess.com INT (5), 2020.08.25
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tue 25th Aug chess.com INT (5), 2020.08.25
- 1.d4
- d5
- 2.Nf4
- Cf6
- 3.e3
- e6
- 4.Cf3
- Nd6
- 5.Ng3
- c5
- 6.c3
- Cc6
- 7.Nd3
- O-O
- 8.Cbd2
- b6
- 9.Ce5
- Nb7
- 10.O-O
- Dc7
- 11.f4
- Ce7
- 12.Nh4
- Ce4
- 13.De2
- Cf5
- 14.Ne1
- Ne7
- 15.g4
- Cfd6
- 16.Cef3
- Tac8
- 17.Nh4
- Cxd2
- 18.Dxd2
- Ce4
- 19.De2
- Nxh4
- 20.Cxh4
- cxd4
- 21.exd4
- De7
- 22.Cf3
- Dd6
- 23.Cd2
- f5
- 24.g5
- Nc6
- 25.De3
- Ne8
- 26.Cf3
- Nh5
- 27.Ce5
- Tb8
- 28.Dh3
- Ng6
- 29.Tae1
- b5
- 30.a3
- a5
- 31.De3
- b4
- 32.axb4
- axb4
- 33.c4
- dxc4
- 34.Nxc4
- Ne8
- 35.Td1
- Nb5
- 36.d5
- Nxc4
- 37.Cxc4
- Dc7
- 38.Dd4
- exd5
- 39.Dxd5+
- Rh8
- 40.Ce5
- Db6+
- 41.Rg2
- De3
- 42.Tde1
- Dd2+
- 43.Dxd2
- Cxd2
- 44.Tf2
- Ce4
- 45.Tc2
- Tfc8
- 46.Tec1
- Rg8
- Soluţie:46...Rg8
- 47.Txc8+
- Txc8
- 48.Txc8# Mat pe ultima linie
- 47.Cc6
- Tb7
- 48.Ce7+
- Txe7
- 49.Txc8+
- Rf7
- 50.T1c7
- Cd6
- 51.Txe7+
- Rxe7
- 52.Tb8
- Ce4
- 53.Txb4
- g6
- 54.Txe4+
- fxe4
- 55.Rf2
- Rd6
- 56.Re3
- Rc5
- 57.Rxe4
- Rb4
- 58.Re5
- Rb3
- 59.Rf6
- Rxb2
- 60.Rg7
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Backrank mate (2 moves)
- Mat în 2