Puzzle 300460: Negrul recâștigă material
GM Das Neelotpal (2410) - FM Denis Lazavik (2439)
Titled Tuesday 18th May chess.com INT (2), 2021.05.18
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tuesday 18th May chess.com INT (2), 2021.05.18
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Cf3
- Cc6
- 3.Nc4
- Nc5
- 4.d3
- Cf6
- 5.c3
- d6
- 6.a4
- a6
- 7.O-O
- h6
- 8.Cbd2
- O-O
- 9.Te1
- Ne6
- 10.Cf1
- Cxe4
- 11.Txe4
- Soluţie:11.Txe4
- d5 Pionul negru atacă dublu Pionul alb și turn.
- 12.Nxd5
- Dxd5
- 12...Nxd5
- 11...d5
- 12.Te1
- dxc4
- 13.dxc4
- Dxd1
- 14.Txd1
- Nxc4
- 15.Ne3
- Ne7
- 16.Cg3
- Tfd8
- 17.Ce4
- b6
- 18.h3
- f5
- 19.Ced2
- Ne6
- 20.Cf1
- Rf7
- 21.Te1
- Nf6
- 22.b4
- g5
- 23.b5
- axb5
- 24.axb5
- Txa1
- 25.Txa1
- Ca5
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: