Puzzle 210464: Negrul mută și câștigă
Mubassar Uddin (2087) - GM Manuel Petrosyan (2628)
Titled Tuesday 3rd Nov chess.com INT (5), 2020.11.03
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 3rd Nov chess.com INT (5), 2020.11.03
- 1.d4
- Cf6
- 2.c4
- e6
- 3.Cc3
- Nb4
- 4.e3
- b6
- 5.Cge2
- Na6
- 6.a3
- Nxc3+
- 7.Cxc3
- d5
- 8.cxd5
- Nxf1
- 9.Rxf1
- exd5
- 10.g3
- c5
- 11.h4
- Cc6
- 12.h5
- h6
- 13.Rg2
- O-O
- 14.b3
- Te8
- 15.dxc5
- bxc5
- 16.Ca4
- d4
- 17.Cxc5
- Soluţie:17.Cxc5
- Dd5+ Regina neagră atacă dublu Calul albului și rege.
- 18.Df3
- 18.Ce4
- Cxe4
- 18.e4
- Dxc5
- 18.f3
- Dxc5 Black is winning because of Black's material advantage, better king safety and piece activity.
- 18.Rf1
- Dxh1+
- 18.Rg1
- Dxc5 Black is winning because of Black's material advantage, piece activity and better king safety.
- 18.Rh3
- Dxc5
- 18...Dxc5
- 17...Dd5+
- 18.Df3
- Dxc5
- 19.b4
- Dd5
- 20.b5
- Dxb5
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3