Puzzle 950845: As brancas ganham
Linus Becker (1000) - Angelina Pavlova-Erbis (1000)
DSOL 8. Liga Gruppe A play.chessbase.com, 2020.07.07
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
DSOL 8. Liga Gruppe A play.chessbase.com, 2020.07.07
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Cf3
- Cc6
- 3.Bc4
- Cf6
- 4.Cg5
- h6
- Solução:4...h6
- 5.Cxf7 O cavalo branco garfa a torre preta e a dama.
- De7
- 5...Re7
- 6.Cxh8
- 6.Cxh8
- 5.Cxf7
- Re7
- 6.Cxd8
- Rxd8
- 7.O-O
- Bc5
- 8.d3
- h5
- 9.Bg5
- Tf8
- 10.Cc3
- Ce7
- 11.Bxf6
- Txf6
- 12.Dxh5
- d6
- 13.Dh8+
- Rd7
- 14.Dxg7
- Tg6
- 15.Df7
- b6
- 16.Cd5
- Te6
- 17.Cf6+
- Rc6
- 18.Bxe6
- Bxe6
- 19.Dxe6
- Cg6
- 20.Dd5+
- Rb5
- 21.Dxa8
- a5
- 22.c4+
- Ra4
- 23.Dc6+
- Rb4
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3