Puzzle 876676: As brancas igualam material
FM P. Martinez Reyes (2384) - Alan Zhang (2001)
Titled Tue 7th Feb Late chess.com INT (1), 2023.02.07
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tue 7th Feb Late chess.com INT (1), 2023.02.07
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Cf3
- Cc6
- 3.Bc4
- Bc5
- 4.b4
- Bxb4
- 5.c3
- Ba5
- 6.O-O
- Cf6
- 7.d4
- d6
- 8.Bb5
- Bd7
- 9.Bxc6
- Bxc6
- 10.dxe5
- dxe5
- 11.Cxe5
- Bxe4
- 12.Da4+
- c6
- 13.Te1
- O-O
- 14.Bg5
- Bxb1
- 15.Taxb1
- Bxc3
- 16.Ted1
- De7
- 17.Cd7
- Tfe8
- 18.Db3
- h6
- 19.Bxf6
- Bxf6
- 20.Dxb7
- c5
- 21.g3
- Bd4
- 22.Te1
- Dd6
- 23.Rg2
- Ted8
- 24.h4
- Dxd7
- 25.Df3
- Dd5
- Solução:25...Dd5
- 26.Te8+ A torre branca desvia a torre preta para longe de proteger a dama.
- Txe8
- 27.Dxd5
- 26.Te4
- c4
- 27.Tbe1
- c3
- 28.Te8+
- Rh7
- 29.Dxd5
- Txd5
- 30.Txa8
- Tc5
- 31.Tc1
- c2
- 32.Tb8
- Tc4
- 33.Tb3
- a5
- 34.Rf3
- a4
- 35.Tb5
- a3
- 36.Re4
- Bb2+
- 37.Rd3
- Bxc1
- 38.Rxc4
- Bb2
- 39.Rb3
- c1=Q
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: