Puzzle 768595: As pretas dão xeque-mate
GM Alexey Sarana (2668) - GM David Paravyan (2586)
chess.com SpeedChess Q1KO chess.com INT, 2022.11.11
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
chess.com SpeedChess Q1KO chess.com INT, 2022.11.11
- 1.g3
- Cf6
- 2.Bg2
- e5
- 3.b3
- d5
- 4.Bb2
- Bd6
- 5.e3
- Cc6
- 6.Ce2
- Bf5
- 7.h3
- h5
- 8.d3
- Dd7
- 9.Cd2
- O-O-O
- 10.a3
- g5
- 11.b4
- a6
- 12.Cb3
- The8
- 13.Cc3
- d4
- 14.Ce4
- Cxe4
- 15.dxe4
- Be6
- 16.exd4
- exd4
- 17.Dxh5
- d3
- 18.O-O
- dxc2
- 19.Cc5
- Bxc5
- 20.bxc5
- Cd4
- 21.Tae1
- Th8
- 22.Dxg5
- Bxh3
- 23.Bxd4
- Bxg2
- 24.Rxg2
- Dh3+
- 25.Rf3
- Txd4
- 26.Tc1
- Rb8
- 27.c6
- De6
- 28.Txc2
- Solução:28.Txc2
- Dxe4# Mate de cauda de andorinha
- 28...Dxe4#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3