Puzzle 731738: As pretas igualam material
Poul Bundgaard - Johannes Rishoj Pedersen
Denmark Cup corr DSU, 1975
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Denmark Cup corr DSU, 1975
- 1.d4
- Cf6
- 2.c4
- e6
- 3.g3
- e5
- 4.dxe5
- Cg4
- 5.Cf3
- Bc5
- 6.e3
- Cc6
- 7.Bg2
- Cgxe5
- 8.Cxe5
- Cxe5
- 9.O-O
- O-O
- 10.Cc3
- d6
- 11.b3
- Bg4
- 12.f3
- Bf5
- 13.Ca4
- Cd3
- 14.Cxc5
- dxc5
- 15.Ba3
- Te8
- 16.De2
- Dd4
- 17.exd4
- Txe2
- 18.g4
- cxd4
- 19.gxf5
- Tae8
- 20.Tfd1
- Solução:20.Tfd1
- Ce1
- 21.Bh1
- Cc2 O cavalo preto garfa a torre branca e o bispo.
- 22.Tac1
- Cxa3
- 20...Ce1
- 21.Txd4
- Txg2+
- 22.Rf1
- Txh2
- 23.Tad1
- Cxf3
- 24.Te4
- Tc8
- 25.Bb4
- Th1+
- 26.Re2
- Txd1
- 27.Rxd1
- Td8+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Fork (3 moves)