Puzzle 484897: As pretas ganham
CM Oscar Humberto Ardila (1988) - Antonio Carlos Bambino Filho (2160)
Titled Tuesday 1st Feb A chess.com INT (4), 2022.02.01
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 1st Feb A chess.com INT (4), 2022.02.01
- 1.e4
- c5
- 2.Cf3
- d6
- 3.Bb5+
- Cc6
- 4.Bxc6+
- bxc6
- 5.O-O
- e5
- 6.h3
- Cf6
- 7.d3
- Be7
- 8.b3
- O-O
- 9.Bb2
- g6
- 10.Cbd2
- Ch5
- 11.Te1
- Cf4
- 12.Cf1
- f5
- 13.Bc1
- Ch5
- 14.Bh6
- Te8
- 15.exf5
- Bf8
- 16.Bxf8
- Txf8
- 17.fxg6
- hxg6
- 18.De2
- Cf4
- 19.De4
- Be6
- 20.c4
- Tc8
- 21.Cg3
- Df6
- 22.Te3
- Bf5
- 23.Cxf5
- Solução:23.Cxf5
- gxf5 O peão preto ataca e encurrala a dama branca.
- 24.Dxf4
- 24.Rh2
- fxe4
- 24...exf4
- 23...gxf5
- 24.Dxf4
- exf4
- 25.Tae1
- fxe3
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3