Puzzle 406809: As brancas igualam material
Romuald Baron (1610) - Guillaume Amoyal (1290)
Plancoet op 2nd Plancoet, 2002.07.28
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Plancoet op 2nd Plancoet, 2002.07.28
- 1.d4
- d5
- 2.e3
- Cf6
- 3.Bd3
- e6
- 4.f4
- Cc6
- 5.Cf3
- Bd6
- 6.Cbd2
- O-O
- 7.O-O
- Cg4
- 8.Bxh7+
- Rxh7
- Solução:8...Rxh7
- 9.Cg5+ Com um ataque a descoberto pela dama branca à o cavalo preto.
- Rg8
- 10.Dxg4
- 9.Cg5+
- Rg8
- 10.Dxg4
- Te8
- 11.Dh5
- Cb4
- 12.Dxf7+
- Rh8
- 13.Dh5+
- Rg8
- 14.Dh7+
- Rf8
- 15.Dh8+
- Re7
- 16.Dxg7#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: