Puzzle 345453: As brancas dão xeque-mate
Bernard Lucas - B. Musicant
FRA corr, 1978
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
FRA corr, 1978
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.f4
- exf4
- 3.Cf3
- d6
- 4.Bc4
- g5
- 5.h4
- f6
- 6.d3
- Bg7
- 7.Cd4
- f5
- Solução:7...f5
- 8.Dh5+
- Rd7
- 8...Re7
- 9.Df7#
- 8...Rf8
- 9.Df7#
- 9.Be6+
- Re7
- 10.Df7# Mate da cauda da andorinha
- 8.Dh5+
- Rd7
- 9.Be6+
- Re7
- 10.Df7#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Checkmate (3 moves)
- Swallow's tail mate (3 moves)