Puzzle 209819: As brancas igualam material
Joseph Henry Blackburne - John G Witton
Melbourne sim Melbourne, 1885
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Melbourne sim Melbourne, 1885
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.d4
- exd4
- 3.c3
- dxc3
- 4.Bc4
- Cf6
- 5.Cxc3
- Cc6
- 6.Cf3
- Bb4
- 7.O-O
- d6
- 8.Bg5
- Be6
- 9.Bxe6
- fxe6
- 10.Db3
- De7
- 11.Cd5
- exd5
- 12.exd5
- Ce5
- 13.Dxb4
- O-O
- 14.Cd4
- c5
- 15.dxc6
- bxc6
- 16.Cxc6
- Cxc6
- Solução:16...Cxc6
- 17.Dc4+ A dama branca garfa o cavalo preto e o rei.
- d5
- 18.Dxc6
- 17.Dc4+
- Rh8
- 18.Dxc6
- De5
- 19.Bxf6
- Dxf6
- 20.Tad1
- Dxb2
- 21.Dxd6
- Dxa2
- 22.Td2
- Da5
- 23.Tfd1
- Df5
- 24.Dg3
- a5
- 25.Td7
- Df6
- 26.h4
- h6
- 27.T1d6
- Da1+
- 28.Rh2
- a4
- 29.Tg6
- Tg8
- 30.Df4
- Tgf8
- 31.Txh6+
- gxh6
- 32.Dxh6+
- Rg8
- 33.Dh7#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: