Puzzle 203523: As pretas igualam material
CM David Zhurbinsky (1823) - CM Matei-Valeriu Mogirzan (1813)
Titled Tuesday 13th Oct chess.com INT (8), 2020.10.13
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tuesday 13th Oct chess.com INT (8), 2020.10.13
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Cc3
- Bc5
- 3.f4
- d5
- 4.Cxd5
- c6
- 5.Cc3
- Db6
- 6.Ca4
- Bf2+
- 7.Re2
- Dd4
- 8.c3
- Solução:8.c3
- Bxg1
- 9.cxd4
- Bg4+ O bispo preto espetou o rei branco e a dama.
- 10.Re1
- Bxd1
- 11.Rxd1
- Bxd4
- 8...Dxe4+
- 9.Rxf2
- Cf6
- 10.d3
- Df5
- 11.h3
- O-O
- 12.Cf3
- e4
- 13.Cd4
- Dd5
- 14.Be3
- b5
- 15.c4
- Dd7
- 16.cxb5
- cxb5
- 17.Cc3
- exd3
- 18.Bxd3
- Bb7
- 19.Tf1
- b4
- 20.Cce2
- Te8
- 21.Cf5
- Dc6
- 22.Tg1
- Ca6
- 23.Ced4
- Dc5
- 24.Ce6
- Dxe3+
- 25.Cxe3
- Txe6
- 26.Bc4
- Te7
- 27.Cf5
- Ce4+
- 28.Re3
- Cc3+
- 29.Cxe7+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Skewer (4 moves)