Puzzle 185848: As pretas dão xeque-mate
Paul D J Hampton - Douglas Vleeshhouwer (1960)
English Online Blitz Gp1 chess.com INT (9), 2020.05.09
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
English Online Blitz Gp1 chess.com INT (9), 2020.05.09
- 1.f4
- Cf6
- 2.d3
- d6
- 3.e4
- e5
- 4.Cf3
- Cbd7
- 5.Be2
- Be7
- 6.O-O
- c6
- 7.De1
- exf4
- 8.Bxf4
- Db6+
- 9.Rh1
- Dxb2
- 10.Cc3
- O-O
- 11.e5
- dxe5
- 12.Cxe5
- Cd5
- 13.Cxd5
- cxd5
- 14.Cxd7
- Bxd7
- 15.Tb1
- Dxc2
- 16.Txb7
- Dc6
- 17.Db1
- Bc5
- 18.Tc1
- Bc8
- 19.Tb5
- Df6
- 20.Tbxc5
- Dxf4
- 21.Bf3
- Be6
- 22.Db7
- Tfb8
- 23.De7
- Te8
- 24.Db7
- Tab8
- 25.Da6
- Tb2
- 26.Da3
- Tf2
- 27.T5c2
- Txc2
- 28.Txc2
- De3
- 29.Tc1
- Bf5
- 30.Td1
- Solução:30.Td1
- De1+
- 31.Txe1
- Txe1# Mate do Corredor
- 30...Bxd3
- 31.h3
- d4
- 32.Dxd3
- Df4
- 33.Dxd4
- Dc7
- 34.Dd7
- Db8
- 35.Bc6
- Tf8
- 36.Te1
- a5
- 37.Te8
- Dc8
- 38.Dxc8
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Backrank mate (2 moves)
- Xeque-mate em 2