Puzzle 185067: As pretas dão xeque-mate
Henry Apaza - Markus Stangl (2375)
28th World U20 ch Tunja COL (1), 1989
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
28th World U20 ch Tunja COL (1), 1989
- 1.d4
- g6
- 2.e3
- Bg7
- 3.Cc3
- d6
- 4.e4
- Cd7
- 5.Be3
- e5
- 6.Dd2
- Cgf6
- 7.f3
- O-O
- 8.O-O-O
- c6
- 9.g4
- Da5
- 10.h4
- Tb8
- 11.h5
- Te8
- 12.hxg6
- fxg6
- 13.d5
- cxd5
- 14.Cxd5
- Dxa2
- 15.Cc3
- Da5
- 16.Cge2
- Cf8
- 17.Cg3
- Be6
- 18.g5
- C6d7
- 19.Dxd6
- Tbc8
- 20.Td5
- Bxd5
- 21.Cxd5
- Solução:21.Cxd5
- De1# Mate do Corredor
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3