Puzzle 1016476: Biały wygrywa końcówkę
Marc Delrieu - Oumarou Maman
45th Olympiad 2024 Budapest HUN, 2024.09.20
45th Olympiad 2024 Budapest HUN, 2024.09.20
- 1.e4
- d5
- 2.exd5
- Hxd5
- 3.Sc3
- Hd8
- 4.Gc4
- a6
- 5.Sf3
- Gg4
- 6.h3
- Gh5
- 7.g4
- Gg6
- 8.d3
- Sc6
- 9.a3
- h6
- 10.Ge3
- e6
- 11.He2
- Gd6
- 12.O-O-O
- b5
- 13.Gb3
- b4
- 14.Ga4
- Hd7
- 15.Sd4
- Sge7
- 16.Sxc6
- bxc3
- 17.b3
- Gxa3+
- 18.Kb1
- Sxc6
- 19.Hf3
- Ke7
- 20.Hxc6
- Hxc6
- 21.Gxc6
- Wab8
- 22.Ka2
- Gb4
- 23.Gd4
- f6
- 24.f4
- Ge8
- 25.Gxe8
- Whxe8
- 26.g5
- c5
- 27.gxf6+
- gxf6
- 28.Ge3
- a5
- 29.Whg1
- Wg8
- 30.h4
- Wa8
- 31.h5
- Kf7
- 32.Wdf1
- Wxg1
- 33.Wxg1
- f5
- 34.Wg6
- We8
- 35.Wg2
- We7
- 36.Wg6
- e5
- 37.fxe5
- Wxe5
- 38.Gxh6
- We2
- 39.Kb1
- Wh2
- 40.Wg7+
- Ke6
- 41.Wg6+
- Ke5
- 42.Gg7+
- Kf4
- 43.h6
- Ga3
- 44.Gxc3
- Wh1+
- 45.Ka2
- Gc1
- 46.Gxa5
- Kf3
- 47.b4
- Gd2
- 48.Kb3
- cxb4
- 49.Wb6
- Wxh6
- 50.Wxh6
- Gxh6
- 51.Gxb4
- Gg7
- 52.Gd6
- Ke3
- 53.Gg3
- Kd2
- 54.Gf4+
- Ke2
- 55.Kc4
- Kd1
- 56.c3
- Kc2
- 57.d4
- Gf6
- 58.d5
- Gxc3
- 59.d6
- Gf6
- 60.Kd5
- Kc3
- Rozwiązanie:60...Kc3
- 61.Ge5+ Biały goniec odprowadza czarnego gońca od ochrony pola d8 i pola e7.
- Gxe5
- 61...Kd3
- 62.Gxf6
- 61...Kb4
- 62.Gxf6
- 62.Kxe5 Biały król zdobywa czarnego gońca, który teraz już nie broni pola d4.
- Kb4
- 62...f4
- 63.Kxf4
- Kb4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 64.d7
- Kb5
- 65.d8=Q
- 62...Kb2
- 63.d7
- f4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 64.Kxf4
- Kb3
- 65.d8=Q
- 63.d7
- 63.Kd4
- f4
- 64.d7
- 64.Kd3
- f3
- 65.d7
- 65.Kd2
- f2
- 66.Ke2
- Kc5
- 66...f1=Q+
- 67.Kxf1
- Kb5
- 68.d7
- Kb6
- 69.d8=Q+
- 66...f1=R
- 67.Kxf1
- Kb5
- 68.d7
- Kb6
- 69.d8=Q+
- 67.d7
- f1=R
- 67...f1=Q+
- 68.Kxf1
- Kb6
- 69.d8=Q+
- 67...Kc6
- 68.d8=Q
- f1=Q+
- 69.Kxf1
- 67...Kb5
- 68.d8=Q
- f1=Q+
- 69.Kxf1
- 68.Kxf1
- 68.d8=Q
- 68...Kb6
- 68...Kd6
- 69.d8=Q+
- 68...Kc6
- 69.d8=Q
- 69.d8=Q+
- 69.d8=R
- 65.Ke3
- Kc5
- 65...f2
- 66.Kxf2
- Kc5
- 67.d7
- Kd6
- 68.d8=Q+
- 66.d7
- Kb4
- 66...f2
- 67.Kxf2
- Kd6
- 68.d8=Q+
- 66...Kd6
- 67.d8=Q+
- Kc6
- 68.Kxf3
- 66...Kb5
- 67.d8=Q
- f2
- 68.Kxf2
- 67.d8=Q
- 67.d8=R
- Kb5
- 67...f2
- 68.Kxf2
- 67...Kc3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 68.Kxf3
- 67...Ka5
- 68.Kxf3
- 68.Kxf3
- 68.Wc8
- Kb6
- 68...f2
- 69.Kxf2
- 68...Kb4
- 69.Kxf3
- 68...Ka6
- 69.Kxf3
- 69.Kxf3
- 67.Kxf3
- Kc5
- 67...Kb5
- 68.d8=Q
- 68.d8=Q
- 68.d8=R
- 67...Kb5
- 67...f2
- 68.Kxf2
- 67...Kc3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 68.Kxf3
- 68.Kxf3
- 68.Hc7
- f2
- 68...Ka4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 69.Kxf3
- 68...Kb4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 69.Kxf3
- 68...Ka6 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 69.Kxf3
- 69.Kxf2
- 65...Kc5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 65...f2
- 66.Ke2
- f1=Q+
- 67.Kxf1
- Kb5
- 68.d8=Q
- 65...Ka4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 66.d8=Q
- Kb5
- 67.Hf8
- f2
- 68.Hxf2
- 66.d8=Q
- Kb4
- 67.Hb6+
- Ka3
- 68.Ke3
- f2
- 69.Kxf2
- 64.Ke4
- f3
- 64...Ka3
- 65.d7
- Kb4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 66.Kxf4
- Kb5
- 67.d8=Q
- 64...Kc5
- 65.d7
- Kb5
- 66.d8=Q
- f3
- 67.Kxf3
- 65.Kxf3
- Kc5
- 65...Kb5
- 66.d7
- Kc6
- 67.d8=Q
- 66.d7
- Kd6
- 66...Kc6
- 67.d8=Q
- 67.d8=Q+
- 67.d8=R+
- 64...f3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 64...Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 65.d8=Q
- 64...Kb3 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 65.d8=Q
- 65.d8=Q
- f2
- 66.Hb6+
- Ka3
- 67.Hf6
- f1=Q
- 68.Hxf1
- 63.Kxf5
- Kc5
- 63...Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 64.d7
- Kc6
- 65.d8=Q
- 64.d7
- 64.Ke5
- Kc6
- 65.Ke6
- Kc5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 66.d7
- Kc6
- 67.d8=Q
- 64.Ke6
- Kc6
- 65.d7
- 65.Ke7
- Kd5
- 65...Kc5
- 66.d7
- Kc6
- 67.d8=Q
- 66.d7
- 66.Kd7
- Kc5
- 66...Ke5
- 67.Kc7
- Kd5
- 68.d7
- Kc5
- 69.d8=Q
- 67.Ke6
- 67.Kc7
- Kd5
- 68.d7
- 68.Kd7
- Kc5
- 68...Kc5
- 68...Ke6
- 69.d8=Q
- 69.d8=Q
- 69.d8=R
- 67.Ke7
- Kd5
- 67...Kc6
- 66...Ke5
- 66...Kc6
- 67.d8=Q
- 67.d8=Q
- 67.d8=R
- 65...Kc7
- 66.Ke7
- Kc6
- 67.d8=Q
- 67.d8=R
- 64...Kd6
- 65.d8=Q+
- 65.d8=R+
- 63...f4 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 63...Kb5 with a winning endgame, for example:
- 64.Kxf5
- Kc6
- 65.d8=Q
- 63...Kc4
- 64.d8=Q
- 64.Kxf4
- Kb5
- 65.d8=Q
- 61.Ke6
- Gd8
- 62.Kxf5
- Kc4
- 63.Ke6
- Kc5
- 64.Kd7
- Gf6
- 65.Kc7
- Gc3
- 66.d7
- Ga5+
- 67.Kc8
- Kc6
- 68.Gg5
- Gb6
- 69.Gd8
- Ge3
- 70.Ge7
- Gb6
- 71.Gd8
- Ge3
- 72.Ge7
- Gb6
- 73.Gd8
- Ge3
- 74.Ge7