Puzzle 939564: Wit naar winst in het eindspel

IM Igor A. Gulkov (2358) - IM Kevin Paveto (2447)
Titled Tuesday 2nd Feb chess.com INT (4), 2021.02.02
  1. 1.Nf3
  2. Nf6
  3. 2.c4
  4. g6
  5. 3.Nc3
  6. d5
  7. 4.cxd5
  8. Nxd5
  9. 5.Qa4+
  10. Nc6
  11. 6.Ne5
  12. Qd6
  13. 7.Nxc6
  14. Qxc6
  15. 8.Qxc6+
  16. bxc6
  17. 9.g3
  18. Bg7
  19. 10.Bg2
  20. e6
  21. 11.d3
  22. Rb8
  23. 12.Kd2
  24. O-O
  25. 13.e4
  26. Nxc3
  27. 14.bxc3
  28. Rd8
  29. 15.Kc2
  30. Ba6
  31. 16.Rd1
  32. Rd7
  33. 17.Be3
  34. Rbd8
  35. 18.Bf1
  36. h5
  37. 19.a4
  38. Ra8
  39. 20.Bc5
  40. Bf6
  41. 21.f4
  42. Kg7
  43. 22.e5
  44. Be7
  45. 23.Bxe7
  46. Rxe7
  47. 24.Bg2
  48. h4
  49. 25.Bxc6
  50. Rb8
  51. 26.Rab1
  52. Rd8
  53. 27.d4
  54. f6
  55. 28.exf6+
  56. Kxf6
  57. 29.Re1
  58. hxg3
  59. 30.hxg3
  60. Rh8
  61. 31.Rh1
  62. Reh7
  63. 32.Rxh7
  64. Rxh7
  65. 33.Rh1
  66. Rxh1
  67. 34.Bxh1
  68. g5
  69. 35.Kd2
  70. gxf4
  71. 36.gxf4
  72. Bc4
  73. 37.a5
  74. Ke7
  75. 38.Ke3
  76. Kd6
  77. 39.Be4
  78. c5
  79. 40.Bc2
  80. Bd5
  81. 41.Ba4
  82. Bc4
  83. 42.Be8
  84. Bd5
  85. 43.Bf7
  86. Bc6
  87. 44.Bg6
  88. Bd5
  89. 45.Be4
  90. Bc4
  91. 46.Kf2
  92. cxd4
  93. 47.cxd4
  94. Bb3
  95. 48.Kg3
  96. Bd5
  97. 49.Kf3
  98. Bc4
  99. 50.Ke3
  100. Bb3
  101. 51.Kd2
  102. Bc4
  103. 52.Kc3
  104. Bb5
  105. 53.Kb4
  106. Be2
  107. 54.Kc3
  108. Bf1
  109. 55.Bd3
  110. Bg2
  111. 56.Bc4
  112. Bc6
  113. 57.Kb4
  114. Be4
  115. 58.Kb5
  116. Bb7
  117. 59.Bd3
  118. Bc8
  119. 60.Be4
  120. Kc7
  121. 61.Kc5
  122. Bd7
  123. 62.d5
  124. exd5
  125. 63.Bxd5
  126. Bc8
  127. 64.Be4
  128. Be6
  129. 65.f5
  130. Bf7
  131. 66.f6
  132. Be6
  133. 67.Bd5
  134. Bxd5
  135. 68.Kxd5
  136. Kd7
  137. 69.Kc5
  138. Ke6
  139. 70.Kc6
  140. Kxf6
  141. 71.Kb7
  142. Ke7
    1. Oplossing:71...Ke7
    2. 72.Kxa7 De witte koning slaat de pion van zwart, die het veld b6 verdedigde.
    3. Kd6
      1. 72...Kd8
      2. 73.Kb7
      3. Kd7
      4. 74.a6
      5. Kd6 with a winning endgame, for example:
      6. 75.a7
      7. Kd7
      8. 76.a8=Q
      1. 72...Kd7
      2. 73.Kb7
      3. Kd6
      4. 74.a6
      5. Kc5 with a winning endgame, for example:
      6. 75.a7
      7. Kb5
      8. 76.a8=Q
      1. 72...Ke6 with a winning endgame, for example:
      2. 73.a6
      3. Kd7
      4. 74.Kb7
      5. Kd6
      6. 75.a7
      7. Kd7
      8. 76.a8=Q
    4. 73.Kb7
      1. 73.Kb6
      2. Kd7
        1. 73...Kd5 with a winning endgame, for example:
        2. 74.a6
        3. Kd6
        4. 75.a7
        5. Kd7
        6. 76.a8=Q
      3. 74.a6
        1. 74.Kb7
        2. Kd6
        3. 75.a6
          1. 75.Kb6
          2. Kd7
          1. 75.Kb8
          2. Kc6
            1. 75...Kc5
            2. 76.a6
            3. Kb6
            4. 77.a7
            5. Ka6
            6. 78.a8=Q+
            1. 75...Kd7
            2. 76.a6
            3. Kc6
            4. 77.a7
            5. Kb6
            6. 78.a8=Q
          3. 76.a6
          4. Kb6
          5. 77.a7
          6. Ka6
          7. 78.a8=Q+
            1. 78.a8=R+
        4. 75...Kc5 with a winning endgame, for example:
          1. 75...Kd7
          2. 76.a7
          3. Kd8
          4. 77.a8=Q+
        5. 76.a7
        6. Kb5
        7. 77.a8=Q
      4. 74...Kc8
        1. 74...Kd6
        2. 75.a7
        3. Kd7
        4. 76.a8=Q
      5. 75.a7
      6. Kd7
        1. 75...Kd8
        2. 76.a8=Q+
      7. 76.a8=Q
        1. 76.a8=R
      1. 73.Kb8
      2. Kc6
        1. 73...Kc5
        2. 74.a6
        3. Kb6
        4. 75.a7
        5. Ka6
        6. 76.a8=Q+
        1. 73...Kd7
        2. 74.a6
        3. Kc6
        4. 75.a7
        5. Kb6
        6. 76.a8=Q
      3. 74.a6
      4. Kb6
      5. 75.a7
      6. Ka6
      7. 76.a8=Q+
        1. 76.a8=R+
    5. 73...Kc5
      1. 73...Kd7
      2. 74.a6
      3. Kd6 with a winning endgame, for example:
      4. 75.a7
      5. Kd7
      6. 76.a8=Q
    6. 74.a6
    7. Kb5
    8. 75.a7
      1. 75.Ka7
      2. Ka5
      3. 76.Kb7
      4. Kb5
    9. 75...Ka5
    10. 76.a8=Q+
      1. 76.a8=R+
  143. 72.Kxa7
  144. Kd7
  145. 73.Kb7
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