Puzzle 381054: Wit naar Winst
Tram Bui T Mai - Le Do Ngoc My
VIE-ch (Women) Can Tho (6), 2001
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
VIE-ch (Women) Can Tho (6), 2001
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Nf3
- Nc6
- 3.d4
- exd4
- 4.Nxd4
- Bc5
- 5.Be3
- Qf6
- 6.c3
- Nge7
- 7.Bc4
- Ne5
- 8.Be2
- d5
- 9.exd5
- Nxd5
- 10.Bb5+
- Bd7
- 11.Bxd7+
- Nxd7
- 12.O-O
- Nxe3
- 13.fxe3
- Qe5
- 14.Kh1
- Bd6
- 15.Nf3
- Qh5
- 16.Nbd2
- Ne5
- 17.Ne4
- O-O-O
- 18.Nxe5
- Qxe5
- 19.Nxd6+
- Rxd6
- 20.Qg4+
- Kb8
- 21.Rxf7
- g6
- 22.Qf4
- Qd5
- 23.Qd4
- Rhd8
- 24.Qxd5
- Rxd5
- 25.h3
- h5
- 26.Raf1
- b6
- 27.Rg7
- Rd2
- 28.Rff7
- Rc8
- 29.Rf6
- Rxb2
- 30.e4
- Rxa2
- 31.e5
- Re8
- 32.e6
- Re2
- 33.Rff7
- R2xe6
- 34.Rxc7
- a5
- 35.Rb7+
- Kc8
- 36.Rgc7+
- Kd8
- 37.Rh7
- Kc8
- 38.Ra7
- Kb8
- 39.Rag7
- Rc8
- Oplossing:39...Rc8
- 40.Rb7+
- Ka8
- 41.Ra7+
- Kb8
- 42.Rhb7# Blind varkensmat
- 40.Rb7+
- Ka8
- 41.Ra7+
- Kb8
- 42.Rhb7#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Checkmate (3 moves)
- Clearance for checkmate (3 moves)
- Blind swine mate (3 moves)