Puzzle 214367: Wit naar Verdedig
WGM Ju Wenjun (2559) - IM Sarai Carolina Sanchez Castillo (2207)
41st Olympiad Women 2014 Tromso NOR, 2014.08.03
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
41st Olympiad Women 2014 Tromso NOR, 2014.08.03
- 1.Nf3
- d5
- 2.g3
- c6
- 3.Bg2
- Nf6
- 4.O-O
- g6
- 5.b3
- Bg7
- 6.Bb2
- O-O
- 7.d3
- a5
- 8.c4
- Na6
- 9.Nbd2
- a4
- 10.Bc3
- c5
- 11.bxa4
- d4
- Oplossing:11...d4
- Dreigend:
- 12...dxc3
- 12.Bb2
- 12.Bb2
- Qc7
- 13.Nb3
- Bd7
- 14.a5
- Ba4
- 15.Nfd2
- e5
- 16.Ba3
- Nd7
- 17.Rb1
- Ra7
- 18.e3
- Nb4
- 19.exd4
- exd4
- 20.Bxb4
- cxb4
- 21.Qe1
- Ne5
- 22.Qe2
- Re8
- 23.Ne4
- f5
- 24.Ng5
- h6
- 25.Bd5+
- Kh8
- 26.Ne6
- Rxe6
- 27.Bxe6
- Bc6
- 28.Nxd4
- Qd6
- 29.Nxc6
- bxc6
- 30.d4
- Qxe6
- 31.dxe5
- Rxa5
- 32.Rxb4
- Rxe5
- 33.Qd1
- Kh7
- 34.Rb7
- Qxc4
- 35.Qd7
- Qg8
- 36.Qxc6
- f4
- 37.Rd1
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: