問題 744195: 白 が 勝ちとするために
E. Pitam (2258) - B. Igla (2117)
It Women Tel Aviv ISR (8), 2001.02.28
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
It Women Tel Aviv ISR (8), 2001.02.28
- 1.c4
- b6
- 2.Nc3
- Bb7
- 3.Nf3
- Nf6
- 4.g3
- Bxf3
- 5.exf3
- d5
- 6.d4
- e6
- 7.Bg2
- c6
- 8.cxd5
- Nxd5
- 9.O-O
- Be7
- 10.f4
- O-O
- 11.Qf3
- Bf6
- 12.Be3
- Na6
- 13.f5
- Nac7
- 14.Rac1
- Rc8
- 15.Ne4
- Nb5
- 16.Rfd1
- exf5
- 17.Qxf5
- Be7
- 18.Qh5
- Nxe3
- 19.fxe3
- f5
- 20.a4
- Nd6
- 21.Nf2
- Qd7
- 22.Qf3
- Bg5
- 23.Nd3
- Ne4
- 24.Ne5
- Qd5
- 25.Bf1
- Nd6
- 26.Rc3
- Qxf3
- 27.Nxf3
- Bh6
- 28.Ne5
- Rfe8
- 29.Kg2
- c5
- 30.dxc5
- Rxc5
- 31.Rxc5
- bxc5
- 32.Nd7
- Ne4
- 33.Bb5
- Kf7
- 34.Rd3
- Re7
- 35.Bc4+
- Ke8
- 36.Nb8
- Rb7
- 37.Bb5+
- Kf7
- 38.Nc6
- g6
- 解決策:38...g6
- 39.Nd8+ 白のナイトが黒のキング と ルークを両取りします。
- Kf6
- 39...Kf8
- 40.Nxb7
- 39...Ke7
- 40.Nxb7
- 40.Nxb7
- 39.Nd8+
- Ke7
- 40.Nxb7
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3