問題 522548: 黒 が 勝ちとするために
IM Nikolai Vlassov (2294) - WFM Anastassia Sinitsina (2127)
Titled Tuesday 27th July chess.com INT (3), 2021.07.27
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Titled Tuesday 27th July chess.com INT (3), 2021.07.27
- 1.g4
- c5
- 2.Bg2
- d5
- 3.d4
- e6
- 4.c4
- dxc4
- 5.d5
- Nf6
- 6.Bg5
- h6
- 7.Bxf6
- Qxf6
- 8.Nc3
- e5
- 9.Nb5
- Qb6
- 10.a4
- a6
- 11.Na3
- Qb4+
- 12.Kf1
- Nd7
- 13.Nf3
- Bd6
- 14.Nd2
- Nb6
- 15.a5
- Nd7
- 16.Naxc4
- Bb8
- 17.d6
- Nf6
- 18.h3
- O-O
- 19.Nb6
- Ra7
- 20.Ndc4
- Be6
- 21.Qc2
- Rd8
- 22.Rd1
- Ne8
- 23.d7
- Nf6
- 24.Bf3
- Bxc4
- 25.Nxc4
- Rxd7
- 26.Kg2
- Rd4
- 27.b3
- 解決策:27.b3
- e4 黒のポーンが白のビショップを攻撃し、どのは今逃げ場がないです。
- 28.Bxe4
- Rxe4
- 29.Rd8+
- Re8
- 30.Rxe8+
- Nxe8
- 27...Bc7
- 28.e3
- Rxd1
- 29.Rxd1
- Ra8
- 30.h4
- Bxa5
- 31.g5
- hxg5
- 32.hxg5
- Ne8
- 33.Rd7
- Qc3
- 34.Qf5
- f6
- 35.Bd5+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Trapping piece (4 moves)