問題 488396: 白 が 勝ちとするために
IM Sachdev Tania (2392) - FM Igor L. Vakhlamov (2413)
Titled Tuesday 1st Feb A chess.com INT (8), 2022.02.01
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
Titled Tuesday 1st Feb A chess.com INT (8), 2022.02.01
- 1.d4
- d5
- 2.c4
- c6
- 3.Nf3
- Nf6
- 4.Nc3
- a6
- 5.g3
- Bf5
- 6.Bg2
- e6
- 7.O-O
- Nbd7
- 8.cxd5
- exd5
- 9.Ne5
- Bd6
- 10.Bf4
- Qe7
- 11.Nxd7
- Qxd7
- 12.Bxd6
- Qxd6
- 13.Na4
- O-O
- 14.a3
- a5
- 15.Rb1
- Rfe8
- 16.Rc1
- h5
- 17.e3
- h4
- 18.Nc5
- h3
- 19.Bf3
- b6
- 20.Nd3
- Ne4
- 21.Bg4
- Qg6
- 22.Bxf5
- Qxf5
- 23.Rxc6
- Ng5
- 24.Nf4
- Rac8
- 25.Rxc8
- Rxc8
- 26.Qd3
- Qg4
- 27.Nxd5
- Nf3+
- 28.Kh1
- Nd2
- 29.f3
- Nxf3
- 解決策:29...Nxf3
- 30.Ne7+ 白のナイトが黒のキング と ルークを両取りします。
- Kh8
- 30...Kf8
- 31.Nxc8
- 31.Nxc8
- 30.Qe2
- Ne5
- 31.Qxg4
- Nxg4
- 32.Ne7+
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3