問題 365737: 白 が 勝ちとするために
Anatoliy Morokov (1797) - Artem Sukiasyan
Novokuznetsk Summer op Novokuznetsk (3), 2010.06.17
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
Novokuznetsk Summer op Novokuznetsk (3), 2010.06.17
- 1.Nc3
- e5
- 2.g4
- Nc6
- 3.Bg2
- Nge7
- 4.d3
- d5
- 5.h3
- d4
- 6.Ne4
- g6
- 解決策:6...g6
- 7.Nf6# 窒息詰み
- 7.Nf6#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Smothered mate (1 move)
- 1手詰み
- Attacking the uncastled king (1 move)