Puzzle 974501: Bianco a vincere
GM David Navara (2678) - GM P. Simacek (2446)
ch-CZE 2024 Ostrava CZE, 2024.05.05
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
ch-CZE 2024 Ostrava CZE, 2024.05.05
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Cf3
- Cf6
- 3.Cxe5
- Cxe4
- 4.De2
- De7
- 5.Dxe4
- d6
- 6.d4
- dxe5
- 7.dxe5
- Cc6
- 8.Cc3
- Dxe5
- 9.Dxe5+
- Cxe5
- 10.Af4
- f6
- 11.O-O-O
- Ac5
- 12.Ce4
- Ae7
- 13.Axe5
- fxe5
- 14.Ac4
- Af5
- 15.The1
- Axe4
- 16.Txe4
- Af6
- 17.f4
- Re7
- 18.g4
- g6
- 19.g5
- Ag7
- 20.fxe5
- Tad8
- 21.Tf1
- Thf8
- 22.Tf6
- Axf6
- 23.gxf6+
- Re8
- 24.c3
- c6
- 25.Rc2
- Td7
- 26.Ae6
- Td8
- 27.a4
- a5
- 28.b4
- Ta8
- 29.Td4
- Td8
- 30.Th4
- h5
- 31.bxa5
- Ta8
- 32.Tb4
- Txa5
- 33.Txb7
- Txe5
- Soluzione:33...Txe5
- 34.Tb8#
- 34.Tb8#
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3