Puzzle 972473: Bianco a vincere
FM Daniel Garcia Ramos (2380) - CM Joan Ramon Menac Comas (2014)
7th Sunway Sitges 2020 Sitges ESP, 2020.12.20
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3
7th Sunway Sitges 2020 Sitges ESP, 2020.12.20
- 1.e4
- c5
- 2.Cf3
- Cc6
- 3.d4
- cxd4
- 4.Cxd4
- d5
- 5.Cxc6
- bxc6
- 6.exd5
- Dxd5
- 7.De2
- Af5
- 8.Cc3
- Dd7
- 9.Af4
- e6
- 10.Td1
- Db7
- 11.g4
- Ag6
- 12.Da6
- Dc8
- 13.Da4
- Ce7
- 14.Aa6
- Axc2
- 15.Axc8
- Axa4
- 16.Ad7+
- Rd8
- Soluzione:16...Rd8
- 17.Cxa4
- 17.Cxa4
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills: ChessPuzzle.net version 3