Puzzle 807138: Nero a vincere
GM Levon Aronian (2735) - GM Dmitry Andreikin (2729)
chess.com SpeedChess 2022 chess.com INT, 2022.11.30
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
chess.com SpeedChess 2022 chess.com INT, 2022.11.30
- 1.e4
- e5
- 2.Cf3
- Cc6
- 3.Ab5
- Cf6
- 4.O-O
- Cxe4
- 5.d4
- Cd6
- 6.Axc6
- dxc6
- 7.dxe5
- Cf5
- 8.Dxd8+
- Rxd8
- 9.Cc3
- Re8
- 10.Ce2
- Ae7
- 11.Ag5
- h5
- 12.Tfe1
- Ae6
- 13.Cf4
- Td8
- 14.Cxe6
- fxe6
- 15.Tad1
- Txd1
- 16.Txd1
- h4
- 17.g4
- hxg3
- 18.hxg3
- c5
- 19.Rg2
- b5
- 20.c4
- a6
- 21.g4
- Ch6
- 22.Rg3
- Cf7
- 23.Ae3
- bxc4
- 24.Tc1
- Rd7
- 25.Txc4
- Tb8
- 26.b3
- Tb5
- 27.Rf4
- Cd8
- 28.Ce1
- Cc6
- 29.Cd3
- Cb4
- 30.Cxc5+
- Axc5
- 31.Axc5
- Soluzione:31.Axc5
- Cd3+ Il cavallo nero esegue una forchetta all'alfiere bianco e il re.
- 32.Rg5
- 32.Re3
- Cxc5
- 33.Rd4
- Cb7
- 32.Re4
- Cxc5+
- 33.Rd4
- 33.Txc5
- Txc5
- 33...Cb7
- 32.Rg3
- Txc5
- 33.Td4+
- 33.Txc5
- Cxc5
- 33...Td5
- 34.Txd5+
- exd5
- 32...Txc5
- 33.Td4+
- 33.Txc5
- Cxc5
- 33...Td5
- 34.Txd5+
- exd5
- 31...Cd3+
- 32.Rg5
- Txc5
- 33.Txc5
- Cxc5
- 34.Rg6
- Cd3
- 35.Rxg7
- Cxf2
- 36.g5
- Cg4
This puzzle is part of the following Puzzle Academy skills:
- Fork (4 moves)